two Lenormand books in English found at Amazon........


Astraea said:
It certainly sounds like the Blue Owl -- that would be great! And I hope that Jeannette and Dan will be able to carry it eventually, as it really is lovely and I think there's a growing market in the US for Lenormand decks.

Yes, it's the Blue Owl. I got it today and love it! :) It's sooo interesting to see the blue owl next to the mystical lenormand. I absolutely love the contrast between the two decks. Although the blue owl cardstock doesn't seem to be as sturdy as the mystical. It feels like it would show wear quicker. Is that the case?

OH and Sylvie, are you still around? I've got a question about your "no lay-out" type of reading. Astraea, you may beable to answer this too though. I was trying out some readings using this type of layout. The first one I did came out EXACTLY right. LOL I pulled two cards, then the third card was the charged card! So I pulled two more. There were my 5 cards. Now I realized it probably doesn't work out this perfect all the time - if not hardly ever working out this way. BUT the second reading I tried I didn't get the charged card until I had drawn the whole deck except for 3 cards. The charged card was the third from the last card left. Is that OK? Or did that mean I wasn't concentrating enough and should have stopped, reshuffled and tried again?


Nina* said:
Yes, it's great isn't it!?!!

I got mine yesterday and only had the time to look it through, but I do look forward to digging more into all this. :)

I got mine yesterday too!!!! (giggle) But I had all night to read through it and try a couple of readings. It's just great!!



Her no layout type of readings sound very interesting - I'll bring that chapter with me to bed in a little while. :D


Yay, Faunabay and Nina, glad your books have arrived and you like them, and it's great that the deck you bought was indeed the Blue Owl, Faunabay!

I hope Sylvie's still around. I can't answer the question about the "no layout" spread because I have not tried it, but one thing I can say without hesitation -- the Lenormand cards are absolutely amazing for the amount of information and depth they're able to layer into 36 cards.


Astraea said:
I hope Sylvie's still around. I can't answer the question about the "no layout" spread because I have not tried it, but one thing I can say without hesitation -- the Lenormand cards are absolutely amazing for the amount of information and depth they're able to layer into 36 cards.

Even though I just got my first lenormand I already feel a connection to this little deck. Now I don't feel I have a grasp on reading with it yet, but I do feel it will come pretty easily for me the more I use it. It's, at the same time, confusing and comforting to me. If that makes any sense. :)

It's funny how everyone says you can get a bunch of information and depth from these cards, because when you first look at them they look very one dimensional. After just a couple of practice readings I can see how the people who know what they're doing can get loads of information - which of course I can't quite yet. :) But feel I will the more I work with them.


Faunabay, I think you're going to have a lot of fun and a lifelong relationship with these cards! The depth and breadth of reading with them come from the different combinations and contexts -- there's always something fresh to discover. Enjoy those Blue Owls!

Sylvie Steinbach

The 'no lay out' system

It is perfectly OK to draw the entire deck until you find your key card. What is important is the cards around that key card. Now if you 'flash' on a serie of cards before getting to the key card, don't disgard. Take notes of what they are trying to convey. Always do a 'double checking' reading: meaning do another draw from scratch on the same topic/question if you need some confirmation. You won't get the same cards on the same row usually -sometimes you do but the message should be similar with additional info not found on the first one. Then you know for sure that is the message. Now you can get the key card very early on to create that 5 card picture showed on the book. It could be the result of very good concentration or you have asked a clear question or the Universe's will to answer you - or the combination of all 3! Having the key card showing at the end of the deck is not a negative sign. It is just the way it has to be... The more you practice the more this 'no lay out' system gets easier and more extraordinary as you can enter the 'zone' a different state of mind conducive to visions, insights and spiritual connections. Hope this helps... :) Sylvie


I just dug out my Lenormand decks (2), dusted them off, and ordered Sylvie's book. I am looking forward to reading it and to using my decks. They are very attractive, but I have not given them the attention I would like to.

Hopefully my book will be here soon! I'm enjoying this thread very much.



I love it when people get excited about the Lenormand! Which decks do you have, Asher? Enjoy your book -- Sylvie is so generous to share her knowledge with all of us.


I'll say it here too... :D

I just ordered Isabels Traum! It looks absolutely stunning!

Fortunately this book can be used for all of them.