Way of the Horse


This is a deck I need!!!! The emotions inspired from the pictures online are enough to convince me.

I do have a question though: are there any mare/foal images within the deck? I have a very strong connection with a couple of broodmares, and am hoping that this image is included.


Card 26 shows a foal and mother touching noses.

I was repeatedly picking 37 Messenger/Pegusus and the reading wasn't helpful in understanding why. I took a quiz and now I know why. This just blew me away.


I am as in love with this deck as the day I bought it.

It is on sale for $15.00 at Mondazzi Books


If you need more info on comparing human and animal responses to trauma, check out "Waking the Tiger" by Peter A. Levine. The author read this book and quotes it.


So I ordered the Way of the Horse. It should be here by May 20th, at the latest. I'm so excited!

I was going to order The Tao of Equus as well, ended up accidently ordering two of them: it was was my first time using Amazon, and it was a bit terrifying! But I cancelled those two books, and am now just getting the Way of the Horse. Thats better for my bank account anyway. Haha

I am very very excited!

Edit: I took the quiz too, and I got pegasus as well: goes well with my air aquarian sword personality!


Dorian Virtue's Unicorn deck can be fun to use with The Way of the Horse deck.

The Diane Cooper deck is HORRIBLE, but uses the idea that unicorns are horse angels. I'm going to see if the library can get her book for me through interlibrary loan.

Dorian's deck includes some Pegusus as well as unicorns.

I'd really like to explore more about the idea of reincarnated horses.

Rabid that is so funny you got Pegusus too!


hunter said:
Dorian Virtue's Unicorn deck can be fun to use with The Way of the Horse deck.

The Diane Cooper deck is HORRIBLE, but uses the idea that unicorns are horse angels. I'm going to see if the library can get her book for me through interlibrary loan.

Dorian's deck includes some Pegusus as well as unicorns.

I'd really like to explore more about the idea of reincarnated horses.

Rabid that is so funny you got Pegusus too!
I didn't like the Doreen Virtue Unicorn deck much at all, but do like Diana Cooper's one. LOL Isn't it funny how different decks work well for different people. :laugh:


Are you joking or do you really have the deck? It reminds me of snapshots from the Sims 1 game. I was in hysterics when I saw it. My friend and I were comparing the different cards to Sims scenarios.

I guess the computer generated images could be considered playful...but...after playing the Sim, I just couldn't adjust to them. I'm probably biased from my 1990's game playing.

I wasn't meaning to be insulting. I just was shocked by the deck and still am. Art love is a funny thing. I love some art that just leaves other people scratching their heads, on what I see in it.


:laugh: :p :laugh:

Well I'm not saying I think the artwork is gorgeous! LOL But I like the idea and the thought behind the deck much, much more than the Virtue one. And yes, I do have it specifically for the thought behind it. :)


Hmm. I've never been a fan of unicorns, or any mythical horse at all; as a horseperson regular horses are magic enough for me! Still, I'll have to check out the decks, as even though I prefer the regular kind of horse, I'm a sucker for anything that goes "neigh".

I am anxiously awaiting my Way of the Horse deck. SO EXCITED. Haha.


They just arrived, much sooner than expected! I was worried about getting them out of their packaging, but didn't actually have that much trouble: the hardest part was getting the cards out of their own box! So far, I'm in love!

I'm interested to know what spreads you guys have done/do with them. For my frist spread, I used three cards: one = myself, two = the horse (Smudge, in this case, who I've been riding for about 10 years), and three = us as a team. It gave some interesting insite!


What a sweet idea! I don't have a horse, so that will not work for me.

I just make a mess using all sorts of decks together. I'm forever changing what I do.

If the readings are going over your head, read the book in order first. It takes several read throughs as well as many daily readings before much of the writing stops going over your head.