what a haul!


I'm lovin' your haul. I love the crackled quartz on the last picture (Well acually I love them all)

Take some into work....I have before, when I'm having a bad day there all I have to do is look at them and they make me feel better.

catbaloo:- Thinking the same thing. " I will get my moneys worth"

Enjoy your new lovelies :)


Those are really nice. Decent sizes and a nice range, even if some are dyed. It is also my understanding that the dye is stable, though you might want to keep them out of hours of direct sunlight... though I am sure you knew that. ;)



Solitaire* said:
Those treasure chests often have dyed agates and that sounds like what your indigo blue banded one is.

I think so too beautifully dyed agate - that is a mighty haul!

I dont mind working with treated stones - as long as I 'know' - that is I dont like people selling 'natural' stones when they have been altered, but find they work and sometimes work BETTER (she says wearing a GORGEOUS blue topaz necklace that works amazingly!)
