When Tarot Readers Get . . . Scary


le fey said:
... and mutter, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." (*cackle*)
My personal mantra, given to me by an Ancient Tibetan Wiccan in the Andes, is "Hydrogen-Helium-Lithium, Hydrogen-Helium-Lithium, Hydrogen-Helium-Lithium."


Haha! Nah, that's an awesome show. :p Either that, or it's because I fancy a couple of the characters. :p

nisaba said:
<grin> I think the fact that you're utterly unashamed of being an NCIS fan is A Big Clue ...

Me, I love those long maxi-dresses that seem to be all the rage in Summer in New Look and other shops, and I also REALLY like wearing scarfs like that on my head, so when I have the money, I can imagine my starting to look like the "scary tarot reader". I have a feeling a few of my friends will love that idea. :p

I've also got a nice deep purple reading cloth, which has a gold triquetra symbol on it, which I WILL be using for readings with other people, like tomorrow, when I've had a friend request a morning of tarot reading (both for myself, and for him, he's fascinated, and I think trying to decide whether to start reading himself...)



le fey said:
I use a flashlight covered with red cellophane, hold it up to my face and mutter, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." (*cackle*)

That's too funny! XD


I love purple. And black.
I don't do hats.
I'm 62.
You NCIS fans would get on great with my hubby.
And I wish I could pull off a "scary" image once in a while but I just look too darn wholesome. And now I'm getting mini-jowls too.
I've always wanted a neat image, or the ability to change images: biker chick, mysterious gypsy, elegant lady, red hot mama--you name it. But my usual look is Nondescript Casual. I doubt anyone on earth would get "scared" by that! :D And I'm no actress either. Hubby is an actor (or was once in a while) and he knows the value of Attitude; but it eludes me.
I keep hoping around Halloween, though... maybe this year... I was going to bring cards to the party we almost went to last year but hubby got sick.


Gregory, you've hereby effectively de-enabled any of us from changing careers to milliners ...


I actually feel like a little 'wear an tear' would help me to be taken seriously. I look like a suburban soccer mom, and anything 'mystical' I wear ends up looking costumey.


Cheer up - anything AT ALL I wear ends up looking scruffy.....
Family weddings are a NIGHTMARE !



gregory said:
OK. You want a really CLASSY (NOT) hat ? This do you ?

Or how about this ?

Something more ordinary ?

And finally: something REALLY SPECIAL.

The first two were very very strange. O_O Third one was funny and the last was just insane. Haha! I'd definitely buy it to wear for Thanksgiving when I give reading. "Oh, yeah, sure, I'll read for you, just let me get my hat!" They'd leave after I pulled out that thing! XD