♥♡♥ Where Am I Now? Where Will I be 3 months or so?♥♡♥


♥♡♥ Where Am I Now? Where Will I be 3 months or so?♥♡♥


......June 28th or so until about the end of September or so.....

Might change it around a little - not sure how yet though. Just that I do not like "generals" really in general. :D

No serial sitters please.
May consider doing Joon again like a "follow on" from the last one out of curiosity....no obligation.

Where I am now? 3-5 cards.

Where I will be in 3 months or so? 3-5 cards.

ADVICE 1 / EXTRA INSIGHT : 1 x Mystical Kipper.

ADVICE 2 / Extra Insight: 1 x PsyCard.

The same rules apply as in my other threads.

No question needed. However, if there is a particular area, I may consider it. No promises.

No one read by me in the last month perhaps.

I claim the right not to read on a first come basis or not to read at all for a sitter if I so choose.

Feedback required after it is done and further down the track as a follow up.

No set times on doing this, so will be OPEN until I choose to CLOSE.

:heart: If it happens - it happens. If it doesn't - it doesn't. :heart:





When I do do it - it may be done in a different order not what is written below. I might even do eenie meenie miney mo just for the heck of it. :D:D:D

1) zhadee (Feedback given).
2) SA12 (Feedback given).
3) danieljuk
4) Joon (Feedback given).

If Joon wants to do a "follow on" from the last one (if curious like me) then I do not mind doing just that - perhaps with a better focus since feedback helped put that reading in to perspective more.



Oh god, me please! I am so much in flux, no idea which end is up, and I'm definitely game to leave the updated feedback after 3 months!!!


oh, may I?


Have put you both on the list and might do one tonight between now and the next hour if time allows.

So that we are on the same page - feedback will be needed for what is going on around you now and at 3 months to see how it connects or not.

Will be back soon.

DND :)

Oh god, me please! I am so much in flux, no idea which end is up, and I'm definitely game to leave the updated feedback after 3 months!!!

oh, may I?


I would love to sign up if you would have me as this has been a difficult year for me and it would be nice to know what's coming up. I can give you the same reading with the same cards if you would in return as well as feedback or a different reading :heart: :)




Will start it off now and finish the rest tomorrow night or thereafter only as this time I'm going to do more than just the Lenormand for it. Also, it would be great to see if it connects or not before going further as well.

Where I am now?

Life in General: Lenormand.
Psychological: Psycard.
Added extra: Mystical Kipper.

L: Anchor (35) Dog (18) Cross (36)
P: Tower (25)
MK: Military Person (22)

Could be a few things going right on now:

1) Concerns or upsets with or in regards to someone you have known for some time whether a friend, partner, and/or family member etc. And still ongoing.
2) Looking for a "soul mate" or "long term partner only with it - it has brought concerns or moments of discord. Could be fated and/or a lesson to be learnt.
3) You are trying to build something solid for the future, be reliable and good as a person, but sometimes you may find it difficult and there is a weight on your shoulders. A sense of hopelessness perhaps etc.


Either you have too strong a personality or need to be more assertive.

A tower is like a fortress, so this could be suggesting that you need to keep those barriers up so no one sees you as being vulnerable or that you keep those barriers up so that no one sees you as being weak.

Work on your self confidence more if that is what is lacking in yourself.

Military Person:

Either there is something connected to a person in uniform, a doctor, or worker and/or there is a need for security. This could be emotional, physical, and/or financial security.

I wonder if it is more about "stability" and "security" only as this card seems to tie in with the Anchor card above.

Please let me know how this relates to you or not.

DND :)


Of course danieljuk - slotting you into a spot. Been a while anyhow....

DND :heart:

I would love to sign up if you would have me as this has been a difficult year for me and it would be nice to know what's coming up. I can give you the same reading with the same cards if you would in return as well as feedback or a different reading :heart: :)




Will start it off now and finish the rest tomorrow night or thereafter only as this time I'm going to do more than just the Lenormand for it. Also, it would be great to see if it connects or not before going further as well.

Where I am now?

Life in General: Lenormand.
Psychological: Psycard.
Added extra: Mystical Kipper.

L: Fox (14) Book (26) Cross (36)
P: The Stars (22)
MK: Sad News (14)

Just FOX and BOOK says a lot really. :bugeyed:

Lies, deception, and certain truths being hidden.

So, that is what you seem to be dealing with now, either someone cheating and/or someone not being completely honest with you thus causing you concerns and likely you have some questions you want answered only the answers are not forthcoming or are not satisfactory. I tend to think you are left wondering actually and are dissatisfied.

The Stars:

You may not be ready to hear this or open to it, but you have to believe that something better is being lined up for you.

The advise now is to find a different perspective to your life and situation and to distance yourself.

Sad News:

Confrontation is in this card and what has to be said here, for your own good, is to let go and mourn whatever it is that you are holding on to whether it be your thoughts, a person, and/or a situation.

Please let me know if this relates to you or not.

DND :)




Where I am now?

Life in General: Lenormand.
Psychological: Psycard.
Added extra: Mystical Kipper.

L: Man (28) Rider (1) Cross (11)
P: The Home (7)
MK: Military Person (22) / Court Person (30)

Interesting selection.

Am wondering if:

1) You are having issues with a "male" (or over one) and what he shares with you about himself or whatever (new person as in the last week, month, to a year). And/or...
2) There is information that you have received that is not sitting right with you personally at all. And/or...
3) You are waiting on some kind of news or update only it is causing upsets or concerns.

No sense of absolution and/or answers to any questions is sometimes what the sitter is experiencing as well.

The Home: Offhand, and I am sure this would be across the board with many, the home is seen as a place of security, warmth, and a place to let down one's hair most times and just to be yourself. Also, somewhere that is safe and sound.

Book: Are you using it as a fortress to keep the outside world out as you may see it as being not so friendly etc?

Book: Are you doing something to make yourself feel "comforted" when you feel stressed or anxious.

Me: For example, some eat chocolate as a food of comfort or a reminder of home.

The advise here is to work out what is important and to think about what really matters to you. It may very well be time to do a PROS and CONS list thing or a THIS IS IMPORTANT/ THIS IS NOT list. Something along those lines.

Court Person/Military Person:

Now these cards really have my attention.

With Military that could be all about "security".
E.g. Emotional/Psychological/Physical/Financial etc.

Makes me wonder if you are going through some sense of insecurity for security to come up.

But with these cards I cannot help but wonder if you are dealing with something a bit more than the norm as in someone or some place deciding on what benefits you are entitled to, or what is for your own good, and/or making some kind of demands on you. E.g. A Doctor/Therapist.

Or are you putting pressure on yourself perhaps?

Or are you dealing or affected by some court, official, medical, and/or legal situation.

Please let me know if this relates to you or not.

DND :)