♥♡♥ Where Am I Now? Where Will I be 3 months or so?♥♡♥


Hello, NZ – I must apologize for not getting back to you at the end of 3 months as planned. I’ve been away from AT for a while, though I must admit I thought about this around that time and had good intentions….

Going to play around with it just a little bit, so hope you do not mind.

"What will happen between now and 3 months or so with Joon in regards to her father".

Lenormand: Focus Cards: WOMAN (Joon)/ MAN (Father)/ HOME (Home and/or home life).

Pycards: The Advise between NOW and THEN:
Card 1: Joon & Dad: Situation.
Card 2: Other: Home/Job/ External.

MK: One Card: Extra Insight- Warning or Additional Depth to the above cards.

NOTE: MAN and WOMAN came up together and I promise you I did not know I would be getting HOME and HOUSE with the Psycards and MK. In fact, I had to get out my MAGNIFYING GLASS to see if I was reading HOUSE correctly!!!

L: Clouds WOMAN MAN Tower Cross
L: Mountain Coffin HOME Letter Key.
Psycards: 1) The Cave (39) 2) The Home (7)
MK: House (20).

Let's see what this is about.....

I feel in part you will and do have doubts or uncertainty over your father, but mostly this is put behind you, so to me it demonstrates you deal with it. You do experience it, but you process and deal with it etc.

This is true – I remember agreeing with it even back as far as the time of the reading. I have continued to handle things with more equanimity.

Between now and the coming months it looks like you and your father may not be seeing certain things eye to eye and may have dealings with a place like the hospital, an institute, organisation, the Government, and/or even a law firm. A place that is considered "official".

I do not think your father is all for what is going on, so whatever the situation is - will bring with it some concerns.

An ongoing frustration for me was/has been his unwillingness to accept that he will not be allowed to drive again, including his “story” about how the new doctor is flat out wrong. !

(Current update: He has accepted that this is the situation now, but will still explain why the doctor is mistaken.)

If we are looking at the "HOME/HOME LIFE" itself - it looks like what ever is blocked, at a standstill, and/or is pending will come to an end. Something will be tied up or proceed to a different stage/phase. There is some important paperwork that is connected to the situation and will have a strong influence as an outcome. It is significant and will have an impact.

Now, this could have everything to do with just the home itself like a deed, or it could be to do with you and your father's situation and what needs to be done with him.

All I can say is something stagnant or in an impasse phase will finish and/or transition.

I can’t say that this played out in the three months that the reading was for. Impasse/tied up/paperwork for that period describes my wish that he would give up on the driving license and sell the car that has been sitting idle. No resolution in that time period.

(Currently: it seems – maybe – that we are going to be able to finish with this now. If he doesn’t change his mind again.)

THE CAVE: Joon and Dad.

Either both of you will withdraw from one another to retreat in to your own thoughts or in order to be able to face what needs to be faced you (or both) may need to go "inside" ones self, reflect, and emerge when ready.

It could also be a time to keep secrets to yourself/himself.

WARNING: Be careful with mood swings, illness, and dark moments. E.g. Depression.

I would not describe my dad as a depressive person, but he can withdraw from a conversation in a way that reminds me of a stubborn kid when he doesn’t want to consider the topic at hand (like not driving!). I have had to allow him the time to consider and mull and get used to some things. Giving him his Cave Time is a good image for me, so thank you for that one!

THE HOME: Home/Work/External.

With any home it is always about feeling safe, secure, warm and in an environment that you can let down your hair and just be yourself.

This goes for yourself and your father.

You may need to look at the importance you place on where you live now for yourself and for him.

He needs to feel secure, safe, and at home no matter where and so do you. Everyone does.

The advise here is that you need to work out what really matters and to perhaps go back to your roots. More importantly, to ensure a sense of stability and security for yourself and your father.

So, if any major decisions are going to be made, please consider that he needs to feel secure and safe just as much as you do.

That last paragraph has been good advice to me.

HOME and HOUSE have come up like a DOUBLE BANGER! So, it makes me wonder if you will be looking at re-homing him and/or seriously contemplating it more and more.

This was something we had talked about at the time of the previous 3 month reading, and I expected that it would be more on the table in the last six months. As it happens, we are in more of a holding pattern right now, with his being able to stay at home a priority for him and less stressful for me.


"SECURITY" and "STABILITY" as well as ONES ROOTS" or "FAMILY HISTORY" is reinforced with this card.

However, there is one OTHER aspect to it, some people are what I term "FAMILIARITY" types.

Familiarity types are routine people and find it hard to adjust to "change". So, changing a job or moving to a new place would be very difficult on them Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and/or Psychologically.

And as we get older we sometimes tend to become more fussy, set in our ways, and use to certain environments.

Perhaps this is something else you may need to consider in regards to your father if looking at placing him somewhere to be looked after - in that a "move" may actually be detrimental rather than beneficial if not done right.

This is how it has seemed, with me feeling more able to continue with the current living situation, and not yet time to put him to the trauma of making the move.

Thank you for the insight, NZ. Again, I apologize for not following up on the heels of the reading’s time-frame.

Best, Joon


Hi Joon!

No problem. Hope all is fine with you and your dad.

I understand how it can be with some elderly people, so do not stress or feel you have to apologize.

My uncle who is almost 90 yrs old has been the SAME about his NZ drivers licence like your father by the sounds of it. :D Oh yes, and it is the doctor that is wrong too and his daughter.

My cousin bought him this really cool golf cart to zip about in (I have photos of him in it actually as I thought he looked adorable) which he "begrudgingly" uses. So, the rule is, as he just "passed" his licence recently against EVERYONES wishes is that he is allowed to use the car in their suburb only and on certain days. Not any other place and definitely not long distance.

He is still not happy, but at least he gets to drive a little bit.

Anyways, thanks for coming back to do the feedback, wish you and your father the best for 2017.

DND :)

Hello, NZ – I must apologize for not getting back to you at the end of 3 months as planned. I’ve been away from AT for a while, though I must admit I thought about this around that time and had good intentions….

This is true – I remember agreeing with it even back as far as the time of the reading. I have continued to handle things with more equanimity.

An ongoing frustration for me was/has been his unwillingness to accept that he will not be allowed to drive again, including his “story” about how the new doctor is flat out wrong. !

(Current update: He has accepted that this is the situation now, but will still explain why the doctor is mistaken.)

I can’t say that this played out in the three months that the reading was for. Impasse/tied up/paperwork for that period describes my wish that he would give up on the driving license and sell the car that has been sitting idle. No resolution in that time period.

(Currently: it seems – maybe – that we are going to be able to finish with this now. If he doesn’t change his mind again.)

I would not describe my dad as a depressive person, but he can withdraw from a conversation in a way that reminds me of a stubborn kid when he doesn’t want to consider the topic at hand (like not driving!). I have had to allow him the time to consider and mull and get used to some things. Giving him his Cave Time is a good image for me, so thank you for that one!

That last paragraph has been good advice to me.

This was something we had talked about at the time of the previous 3 month reading, and I expected that it would be more on the table in the last six months. As it happens, we are in more of a holding pattern right now, with his being able to stay at home a priority for him and less stressful for me.

This is how it has seemed, with me feeling more able to continue with the current living situation, and not yet time to put him to the trauma of making the move.

Thank you for the insight, NZ. Again, I apologize for not following up on the heels of the reading’s time-frame.

Best, Joon




Further Feedback!


Happy 2017! :thumbsup: :)
100 years ago or so, you did this reading for me! sorry for the delay in further feedback, I bookmarked the thread and you are in my digital list of things I need to still do on AT. I am so behind on things and trying to catch up but 2016 burnt me out as a year! Anyway Joon giving feedback has nudged me to finally do mine. So sorry for keeping you waiting. I wanted to give you feedback so you can see how it manifested :heart:


Where I am now?

Life in General: Lenormand.
Psychological: Psycard.
Added extra: Mystical Kipper.

L: Man (28) Rider (1) Cross (11)
P: The Home (7)
MK: Military Person (22) / Court Person (30)

I edited this original reading a lot here because it's not as important as what happened after the 3 months but also one of the words or phrases in the original reading is setting off the forum filter 500 internal error issue at the moment and I just can't work out what it is! so just edited your text to that, spent ages trying to make it post. But it's okay like this :)

This was a really good first part of the reading. This really explains my 2016 as a year as a theme. 2016 was like my cross year, it was difficult and mean but nothing really bad happened. I had real issues with security, I felt like it was all falling away :( I wish that Knight in Shining Armour had ridden in to save me, but nothing. I think the year as a theme was to learn to deal with it myself with no saviour. I turned to my home much more for security and safety. The Military Person was about security I think but not sure about the Court Person. I had had to deal with bureaucracy before the reading like the past but nothing for the rest of the year but it was a fear for me. I am due having to renew everything so it could happen at any time.

In another post you said....

Someone is about to enter your life between 1 week, one month, to one year or the month of January only be warned - as it will not be smooth sailing
I will look out for this from now, things rarely go smoothly in life! :)


"3 Months ahead: What will happen between now and the next 3 months or so?"

LENORMAND: Focus Card - Man (5 Random Cards)
PSYCARDS: Advise One.
Mystical Kipper: Added extra: Advice or Warning etc.

L: Book/Bouquet/MAN/Anchor/Mountain
P: Never (5)/The Inquirer(1)/The Warrior(28)
MK: Theft (24)

Sometimes there is something amiss, but we cannot quite put our finger on it. I wonder if this is what is going on with you. (Happens with me when I go through impasse stages).

A few things with the first 3 cards: "And/or...".

1) A surprise gift or celebration that you know about like a birthday.
2) You are trying to find a solution to something "hidden" and/or it is something read in a book and/or on a web page etc.
3) Something will be revealed to cause joy and a celebration.
4) You are keeping something to yourself (not bad) and trying to find answers, a solution, or want to do something positive.

Between now and the coming months I think you will find there are some things being kept quiet (nothing worrisome at all) that will be revealed and there will be joy over these revelations and/or a time to celebrate.

It could be anything from a dinner party to going out to a nice restaurant because of whatever.

It could even be you reading up on things and working on a few ideas or doing things to make yourself feel good. E.g. Massage therapy/Swimming/Joining a club.

However, looking at the last two cards, it is like a big obstacle is in your way or no movement at all. No change.

So, it kind of looks like there is a bit of promise to start with, but that the hurdle you are trying to get over is a bit too big for the time being or whatever the status quo is right now with you will be the same.

NOTE: It is only 3 months or so- so do not think the worse.

1) Do not see a new person in these cards.
2) A real sense of security may take some time to achieve as there are blocks.

When I originally gave you feedback for this, I talked about going away for Christmas with my family. This was beyond the 3 months (I know it's an approx time frame). By the end of the year I was so burnt out by the year and I really did not want to go away but all my family were supposed to go to a mutual place. So I was really not in the right frame of mind for it. But I went and I was surprised that it was a really joyous celebration, every aspect of it was lovely and the house was so nice! Life does throw some nice things your way when things are difficult. I think this reading had already predicted this perhaps but it was wonderful!

In the actual 3 months, I think the message is I should have been doing something with a book (research or study?) to find joy when I was feeling so blocked with my security. I needed to do something about it and I felt during this time that I need to focus on myself and so I stopped doing divination for others for a while. You said about you felt something was amiss, I was just all blocked and no movement or change.

Apart from the Christmas Joy, there was no surprise or joyous events, it was just a hard slog during those months. Keeping something to myself or something hidden, I didn't find out anything (until Christmas again funnily enough) but I kept how much I was struggling to myself. It's easy with hindsight to beat myself up but it was a nightmare year with horrible astrology in my birthchart. I got through it and so I coped with it and not going to beat myself up that I should have done this or that. This year is already turning much better and I have better aspects for this year, thank goodness :thumbsup: But probably if I am very honest, I should have researched / studied more about my situation, tried to have more joy and lovely times and sometimes we just have to live as things are.

Never(5)/The Inquirer(1)/The Warrior(28)

The Advise:

Never: There are certain habits or patterns that you are holding on to that are damaging, so in a way you are "closing a door" if that makes sense. I know it is easier said than done to break old habits or make changes.

And...it is probably not new to you either.

Inquirer: Inner awareness is "key" for you, so please take that on board. Time to seek out the truth and be honest. With NEVER coming up and WARRIOR on both sides of it - you need to look at what habits, behavior, or patterns are affecting your life and also at what it takes to be stronger about making certain changes or breaking habits etc.

Warrior: To be stronger. So, whatever your strengths are, utilize them more and find the aspects within yourself, or in what you do, to make you feel strong as a person and to work it to your betterment.

If you have a flare for writing - write personal journals and stories as a part of self healing.
If you are okay with art - paint or draw a reflection of your inner world as a part of healing.

Look at your behaviors and habit - what can be changed or broken within reason?

For example, if you start to think something like: "No, I cant do that!". STOP. REFLECT. And change it around to something more POSITIVE like:"I can do that when I am ready to do it". Take control of your feelings and thoughts.

Just an idea.
The Advice (which you were really interested in) was very true! Interestingly you had Man and then Inqurier at the centre here, last year was about working on myself (I also had Saturn in my 1st house, me me me! it was challenging everything). I was stuck in old patterns which got worse. The Advice about the Warrior was true, I needed to be stronger and a warrior battling it. I needed to reflect and this year I am trying to keep a diary. I do need to find an outlet I think.


You just need to make sure no one is taking your energy and/or doing anything underhanded.


I do think there is something positive between now and the coming months, but there is one heck of an obstacle or no real movement for you.

All I can suggest is you trying to do some "inner work" - look at what is not such a productive behavior or habit and working out what makes you strong or gives you strength to break certain "patterns".

Maybe the coming weeks or months may give you the time to look at yourself at least. It would be really neat for you to come back and tell me: "I moved that obstacle". So, I do wonder if the "advise" could change it somewhat especially as it comes after the Lenormand pull and in relation to it. (Be interesting to know actually).

Bottom line: Certain changes need to be made within yourself for any progress to be made and that is easier said than done. I know. You know.

3 months is not a long time, so best of luck!

DND :heart:
I know the 3 months seems very negative but actually they were the reasonably okay part of last year. The middle of the year was much worse for me and I really withdrew into my home as things became tough with deal with. I realise this year it was old patterns and trying to find stability but I went about it wrong. About the Theft card, I did some readings for others during this 3 month period and felt so burned out! I realised that I need to use all my energy on myself and so didn't read for anyone else. I needed it all.

I was unable to change anything or move obstacles during this time because when I tried, things would just get more difficult. However this year suddenly everything has changed and moved in a positive way.

I really feel the reading and the advice was correct for the period. I have only analysed my year last year in the last 4 weeks or so and it really fits your reading now. There was a big theme of me. I had to focus on myself. I haven't exactly worked out what the lesson is but I think I can deal with things better now and I am stronger! It was about inner work.

So thank you for this reading, it makes more sense in hindsight! thank you for it :thumbsup: :love:


Hey DownUnder!!!! I have more feedback for you as well. :) Will post if not tonight, tomorrow when I'm at work and it's dead. I have been meaning to compose more but 'things' have kept unfolding through early January.