♥♡♥ Where Am I Now? Where Will I be 3 months or so?♥♡♥


LOL - For a moment there I thought the three card draw with the Lennies *was* Fox-Lady-Gent. :)

Your delineation of the cards drawn is a good read of where I am and where things stand now.

There have been a few decisions made in the past month or so. They've involved varying degrees of weighing things out, including "is this the right decision?" - but each of these has been more a question of when than if, and each has come from a moment of clarity, knowing that I have reached the right moment for the decision to be made in that way. (Lennies: Key-Fox-Child-Roads)

The considerations you mention around the Psy card Work were certainly part of the process in the decision about leaving my second job. Pairing the Kipper His Thoughts with that, your first paragraph
This suggests a lot is on your mind whether contemplating a problem, conscious thoughts, secret ones. Could even be new ideas or sudden inspirations.
describes the job decision in particular at this time... and my decision-making process as a general rule! :)

Your second paragraph on the Work card has the right idea WRT balance of work and home/family/personal lives. That's the reason for leaving the second job; my day job was selected specifically as one I leave in the office at the end of the work day (the compromise being that I have chosen under-employment and a lower income relative to what I am capable of).

There are things that are still up in the air, particularly WRT how things will play out, and when, with my father. I feel like that is in more of a holding pattern just now, but the questioning goes on (internally). (Lennies: Stork-Woman-Clouds)

You have described my father well. The wish for control at this point has to do with aging and loss of "freedom" - less energy to do things, less strength, and (Bless) he still thinks he is going to get his driving license back. (Stars-Man-Bear)

We are on firm footing to go forward with "3 months ahead." Again, "What will happen between now and 3 months or so with Joon in regards to her father" seems like the right question. You've got the current context for that down pat.



JOON: "Between Now and 3 Months or so".

Going to play around with it just a little bit, so hope you do not mind.

"What will happen between now and 3 months or so with Joon in regards to her father".

Lenormand: Focus Cards: WOMAN (Joon)/ MAN (Father)/ HOME (Home and/or home life).

Pycards: The Advise between NOW and THEN:
Card 1: Joon & Dad: Situation.
Card 2: Other: Home/Job/ External.

MK: One Card: Extra Insight- Warning or Additional Depth to the above cards.

NOTE: MAN and WOMAN came up together and I promise you I did not know I would be getting HOME and HOUSE with the Psycards and MK. In fact, I had to get out my MAGNIFYING GLASS to see if I was reading HOUSE correctly!!! :bugeyed:

L: Clouds WOMAN MAN Tower Cross
L: Mountain Coffin HOME Letter Key.
Psycards: 1) The Cave (39) 2) The Home (7)
MK: House (20).

Let's see what this is about.....

I feel in part you will and do have doubts or uncertainty over your father, but mostly this is put behind you, so to me it demonstrates you deal with it. You do experience it, but you process and deal with it etc.

Between now and the coming months it looks like you and your father may not be seeing certain things eye to eye and may have dealings with a place like the hospital, an institute, organisation, the Government, and/or even a law firm. A place that is considered "official".

I do not think your father is all for what is going on, so whatever the situation is - will bring with it some concerns.

If we are looking at the "HOME/HOME LIFE" itself - it looks like what ever is blocked, at a standstill, and/or is pending will come to an end. Something will be tied up or proceed to a different stage/phase. There is some important paperwork that is connected to the situation and will have a strong influence as an outcome. It is significant and will have an impact.

Now, this could have everything to do with just the home itself like a deed, or it could be to do with you and your father's situation and what needs to be done with him.

All I can say is something stagnant or in an impasse phase will finish and/or transition.

THE CAVE: Joon and Dad.

Either both of you will withdraw from one another to retreat in to your own thoughts or in order to be able to face what needs to be faced you (or both) may need to go "inside" ones self, reflect, and emerge when ready.

It could also be a time to keep secrets to yourself/himself.

WARNING: Be careful with mood swings, illness, and dark moments. E.g. Depression.

THE HOME: Home/Work/External.

With any home it is always about feeling safe, secure, warm and in an environment that you can let down your hair and just be yourself.

This goes for yourself and your father.

You may need to look at the importance you place on where you live now for yourself and for him.

He needs to feel secure, safe, and at home no matter where and so do you. Everyone does.

The advise here is that you need to work out what really matters and to perhaps go back to your roots. More importantly, to ensure a sense of stability and security for yourself and your father.

So, if any major decisions are going to be made, please consider that he needs to feel secure and safe just as much as you do.

HOME and HOUSE have come up like a DOUBLE BANGER! So, it makes me wonder if you will be looking at re-homing him and/or seriously contemplating it more and more.


"SECURITY" and "STABILITY" as well as ONES ROOTS" or "FAMILY HISTORY" is reinforced with this card.

However, there is one OTHER aspect to it, some people are what I term "FAMILIARITY" types.

Familiarity types are routine people and find it hard to adjust to "change". So, changing a job or moving to a new place would be very difficult on them Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and/or Psychologically.

And as we get older we sometimes tend to become more fussy, set in our ways, and use to certain environments.

Perhaps this is something else you may need to consider in regards to your father if looking at placing him somewhere to be looked after - in that a "move" may actually be detrimental rather than beneficial if not done right.

Could even be you too - as in being a familiarity type.

A bit to think about Joon.

No matter what - it comes down to you, your father, and what you decide if you decide to decide anything.

Be interesting to see what unfolds between now and October.

Best of luck!

DND :)



I absolutely do not mind you playing around with the reading a bit. I trust your experience, and of course support your learning at the same time.

Just a quick response this morning. The recurrence of Home/House and both Lady and Gent cards showing up says to me that the previous decision making had to do with preparing to handle what's to come WRT things "at home" - literal and figurative. Not that they haven't been a big focus, but I'm guessing home and family will really be at the forefront in the coming months - the other decisions put those aspects of life to where they will support and not be distractions.

I will take a little more time with this before responding more fully -- and of course, the real 3-month feedback to come in October! If I don't check back in later today, it won't be until Monday or Tuesday, depending on how things go for the (USA - Independence Day) holiday weekend (through Monday).

Thanks again.


I wasn't really thinking of getting one, but since you seem to like the challenge of general readings you can do it if you like. I do not mind one way or the other.

Whatever you choose to do as that is fine and no hurry - in your own time.

Be interesting to see what BOOK and BOUQUET are about then. Not something known - yet will be great news when it is revealed.

If a remedy - could be flowers or herbal.

Be good to see what unfolds between now and 3 months.

I am more curious to see if the Advise card(s) impact on the Lenormand spread in anyway. Really really curious.

May have to revise it depending on what happens or not though of course.

DND :)

I will try and update and see how it happens if it does! I will bookmark the thread and come back about the 1st of Octoberish!

Sorry for the delay in your reading, I have relatives staying with me at the moment and have limited time for the internet or divination.

I decided to do a general reading for you with the Gilded Reverie Lenormand, I like working out the message for you! hope you can relate to this :)

Anchor + Stork + Bear + Scythe + Lilies
Base Card: Garden

The base card is always the clue to the theme or situation and this is the Garden so must be related to social events, socialising or something public or an event coming up for you.

The middle card of the whole reading is the Bear, this could be your boss or someone with power. But also could be someone who supports you, perhaps you would go with to an event. This Bear is on their own though, so could represent you!

Going through the reading - Anchor + Stork = this to me so shows changes, I think this could be new work or a new job or a new home or place. Something in that area but you have additional stability on the way. Stork + Bear = so this is a change to those you work under or your boss, perhaps new company restructuring or people above you. Bear + Scythe = I think the new boss / management will start cutting jobs or people :( Scythe + Lilies = I think you are going to be okay in your job or position, they perhaps like your passion, like your company loyalty or maybe the boss has an attraction to you. You are safe!

So in the end I think this is about your career / work as a reading, changes to the top are coming and it's not going to be nice for some people! I think you are safe but I think it will make you feel more confident about your security in some form, perhaps a new position.

The Base card, Garden? I think that shows maybe where you work is to do with the public or you can network at events to make sure they realise how good you are to the company!

let me know if any of this rings true and thanks for my reading :) :thumbsup:


Haven't looked at this since last week. :bugeyed: Sorry...
So, will have a quick look now.

I will try and update and see how it happens if it does! I will bookmark the thread and come back about the 1st of Octoberish!

Sorry for the delay in your reading, I have relatives staying with me at the moment and have limited time for the internet or divination.

It's life, so no need to explain. :) Look at me - have not checked this since last weekend. Mind you, "3 month" readings is probably why.

I decided to do a general reading for you with the Gilded Reverie Lenormand, I like working out the message for you! hope you can relate to this :)

Anchor + Stork + Bear + Scythe + Lilies
Base Card: Garden

The base card is always the clue to the theme or situation and this is the Garden so must be related to social events, socialising or something public or an event coming up for you.

Social events and/or networking is how I'd see the "Garden" as well. Something huge or extensive may be a part of it too.

The middle card of the whole reading is the Bear, this could be your boss or someone with power. But also could be someone who supports you, perhaps you would go with to an event. This Bear is on their own though, so could represent you!

True: Could be someone of authority or with a strong character. A person that is big boned or on the hefty or voluptuous side. :D

(Finances if you follow the French system).

Going through the reading - Anchor + Stork = this to me so shows changes, I think this could be new work or a new job or a new home or place. Something in that area but you have additional stability on the way. Stork + Bear = so this is a change to those you work under or your boss, perhaps new company restructuring or people above you. Bear + Scythe = I think the new boss / management will start cutting jobs or people :( Scythe + Lilies = I think you are going to be okay in your job or position, they perhaps like your passion, like your company loyalty or maybe the boss has an attraction to you. You are safe!

Just moved into a beautiful apartment recently and I LOVE it! Absolutely love the space and set out plus it is like 5 years old. Neighbors are cool. And I have a large balcony that looks towards houses like mansions and trees galore. Great suburb.

"Anchor + Stork"

It took a while....a long long time of fussiness actually in trying to get the "right place" that checked all the boxes. 2 or even 3 years possibly. No regrets whatsoever.

I asked about it on here the year before last I believe maybe 2 or 3 times over some months and I think one did get August/September and what have you. Will see if I can find those old threads. It was not August/September though.

I know I got what I thought were months myself, but with the "MK" I got "3 more months" a few times each time I did it near the end of the 3 months to MAKE SURE. :bugeyed: I knew when that came up again that it would be a "further 3 months". HATED IT too!

Closer to the actual time I moved though - the card that stands for "in the short term up to a month" came up - so I knew it would be around the corner from about March of this year on.

With the Lenormand, as "CLOVER" came up before and after FEB this year (other times too), I knew it was more like 2 months or up to two years. My "month" guesses were not actually correct, but then I did address the same question months apart so different cards came up. The one consistent card though was the CLOVER although not each time. My "2 month to 2 year" range was right and I remembered that from the first time I asked about a house move etc.

So in the end I think this is about your career / work as a reading, changes to the top are coming and it's not going to be nice for some people! I think you are safe but I think it will make you feel more confident about your security in some form, perhaps a new position.

The Base card, Garden? I think that shows maybe where you work is to do with the public or you can network at events to make sure they realise how good you are to the company!

Let me know if any of this rings true and thanks for my reading :) :thumbsup:

My own business I reckon. Started looking at things a few years back and LOST INTEREST and then again last year I researched a few things which I kept in the back of my mind. For the last few weeks I have been thinking about it again and the time needed etc if I do decide to take the plunge.

Will have to read up on a few things again and to make sure the focus and interest stays strong or it will be an absolute NO GO. Have a rough idea of the what - just not the how to set it all up really as it is rather "techy". :D

Bottom line: I need to organize and prioritize my time better and make some real hard cut decisions if I want to set up something that will work for itself in the future.

Easier said than done.

DND :)

Ps How do you like my feedback which is like a book this time.


My, oh my... Where to begin!


"3 Months ahead: In regards to the situation you currently find yourself in with your job and/or college - what will happen between now and the next 3 months...or so?"

LENORMAND: Focus Card - Woman (8 Random Cards)
PSYCARD: Advise One.
Mystical Kipper: Added extra: Advice or Warning etc.

L: Clouds/Letter/Crossroads/Ring/WOMAN/Tower/Fox/Mountain.
P: The Libido (17) :bugeyed: :bugeyed: :bugeyed:
MK: Bereavement (19).

Straight forward really.

In the past it shows (still ongoing as well I'd say) uncertainty around paperwork and even emails and/or texts. Maybe more than one person has been involved and the decisions made have come at a cost and more likely to YOU. Definitely a cost as in "give a little" and "we take more" kind of thing or a loss/sacrifice of some kind. E.g. Less money/ Not a permanent position/ Renewal every 6 months only no guarantees of it happening/Long hours - poor pay etc etc etc.

And all to do with a "contract".

Have to ask: Has this position been held over your head?

Ok, first off you successfully picked up on MANY life areas with this reading. Uncertainty around paperwork -- BOOM! Shortly after this reading, a major debacle occurred in which ___ University failed to pay me my $ earned as a research assistant. I spent this summer in miserable dire straights because some office b*tch didn't answer any of my emails for a month. I was FINALLY paid the first week in August, but not before financial disaster had ensued. So the Lennies and the Warning cards were absolutely spot on about this situation. When you read for me, I was unaware of the trainwreck coming my way because my boss and I filled out papers (letter) and did our part -- but Tower/Fox/Mountain really, really screwed me over...

I say "ongoing" as I think it is something still being experienced and because we are looking between now and the end of September or early October I tend to think it is something that plays out in your thoughts over and over and will do so for the next weeks to few months. It really has affected you in a rather deep way. (Understandable).

In plain words, the "past" looks like it is being dwelt on and that you keep going back to what happened with the documents/agreement as it is in conflict with what you expected.

Does it make sense and is it what you are doing.

You don't know how right you are. The financial mess aside, this was a horrible summer, and I'm still coming out of it. In terms of good news, Foxy + Book = me getting a job editing. I don't really make much money at all, but thank god I can survive, because if I was depending on __ University to keep their promises and do right, I'd be under a bridge by now.
Unfortunately though, because I work now 8-5 and that's when the archives are open, I can't do jack about my phd research. I've worked and struggled so hard to get where I am now, only to be stuck unable to do the work... I'm not dropping out, but everything is basically on hold now while I try to survive, and I really do go through some horrible days because of that.

In the first part of this reading the advice was to: "LET GO".

Try to work on that...seriously.

Where the institute is concerned - they will not do right by you or be honest because it does not show them being any different. In fact, they will "block" you or be non responsive if they have not already.

Do not expect anything to change and know that there is something going on that is not on the up and up. At some point - there are just blocks or dead ends. It could even just be you switching off at some point and/or vice a versa.

So this advice makes absolute sense because it's what I must do every day out of necessity. And yeah, there are good days and then days where I feel like a total failure or just so f**ing angry that I'm 10m from the archives and can't do anything. But then another part of me is trying to see the good in this "break" -- maybe it's the universe wanting me to work on fiction writing? I don't know. I'm just trying to open.

LIBIDO :bugeyed:

Other than the obvious - "play, play, play and in a certain kind of way". :D

The advise here is to know who you are, what you are about, and to trust in that.
I suppose this is saying to not compromise the person you are just because of the situation.

Try to find joy in what you do whether your work or socially and most importantly establish "balance".

With LIBIDO too much of one thing can be destructive or too little. E.g. Behavior/ Sex.

So, make sure to have "balance" in all aspects of your life where you can.

...well... This is also a sad card. While I am professionally frustrated, ontop (ha!) of that, I'm frustrated in my personal life. Between the ghosting and rudeness, I'm really starting to lose all hope. I'd kill for a good long f**k -- but also a conversation at dinner, and I can't seem to find anyone for either of those things...


Something is coming to an end and it could be the loss of a job or a resignation. Also, there is an indication of it being time to rethink your situation and to know that you cannot go on as before...no matter how hard.


Overall, I think you will be facing what is going on and will realize that it is a no win situation, but not without some kind of negativity. The contract is the base of it all and is something that you do seem to reflect on and/or question etc.

At the end of the day - it looks like there will be a job loss or resignation.

ADVISE: Time to rethink and see that you cannot go on in the same way. Something has to give, but do not let it be a part of YOU.

Best of luck!

DND :)

I think I am in a state of grief in many ways. My doctoral research is on hold, so I'm intellectually and professionally stagnant -- which kills especially after I spent last year reading 300+ books to pass comp exams. While I am grateful for my editing job, it's not a position with any potential growth attached, and it's definitely not enough money for the long term. But I'm still just trying so hard to focus on being grateful and seeing this as 'one step' before I can take another.

And not going to lie, I am terribly lonely. I've been alienated from all of my colleagues who get to sit around doing their work, traveling to conferences... And everyone I meet here at work is married or busy, so no throwing dinner parties or going out for drinks after work. You'd think maybe since the universe is slamming the door on my professional aspirations, I'd finally get that Hollywood moment where some guy shows up...but nope. Sexual frustration, loneliness, sleepless nights intermingle with feeling absolutely fine, accepting things as they are, and taking my dog to brunch on Saturdays... I am alone with my dog in the world and entirely too many thoughts... So there's Bereavement and Libido.

However, all things considered, this was an absolutely spot on reading technique. And like I said, you ended up being able to reveal many 'layers' around me, and the predictive element with the crazy paperwork/not getting paid debacle is really impressive.


I find it interesting that Joon got INHERITANCE in her FEB reading and you got BEREAVEMENT in this one and, in a rather uncanny way actually, both were quite simply "literal" in meaning and just based on the TITLES themselves.

It is a shame that your University was cut throat really and it does seem they didn't do right by you at all. Not one little bit. It couldn't have been easy working with people that were underhanded nor having to deal with it all to try and get the money owed to you. Far out! Very unfair.

One of the hardest lessons in life is betrayal.

I really feel for you and would be just as peeved as well I am sure. Hard work for a pittance or next to nothing then dealing with a situation that you should not have been put in the position to deal with at all in the first place.

Am sorry to hear your Summer was not one with less drama in it and a bit more calm. To have been financially compromised must have been no easy walk either. Alright for them, but not the one who really needed it.

What goes around comes around is all I will say.:D

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, really appreciated.

DND :)

My, oh my... Where to begin!

Ok, first off you successfully picked up on MANY life areas with this reading. Uncertainty around paperwork -- BOOM! Shortly after this reading, a major debacle occurred in which ___ University failed to pay me my $ earned as a research assistant. I spent this summer in miserable dire straights because some office b*tch didn't answer any of my emails for a month. I was FINALLY paid the first week in August, but not before financial disaster had ensued. So the Lennies and the Warning cards were absolutely spot on about this situation. When you read for me, I was unaware of the trainwreck coming my way because my boss and I filled out papers (letter) and did our part -- but Tower/Fox/Mountain really, really screwed me over...

You don't know how right you are. The financial mess aside, this was a horrible summer, and I'm still coming out of it. In terms of good news, Foxy + Book = me getting a job editing. I don't really make much money at all, but thank god I can survive, because if I was depending on __ University to keep their promises and do right, I'd be under a bridge by now.
Unfortunately though, because I work now 8-5 and that's when the archives are open, I can't do jack about my phd research. I've worked and struggled so hard to get where I am now, only to be stuck unable to do the work... I'm not dropping out, but everything is basically on hold now while I try to survive, and I really do go through some horrible days because of that.

So this advice makes absolute sense because it's what I must do every day out of necessity. And yeah, there are good days and then days where I feel like a total failure or just so f**ing angry that I'm 10m from the archives and can't do anything. But then another part of me is trying to see the good in this "break" -- maybe it's the universe wanting me to work on fiction writing? I don't know. I'm just trying to open.

...well... This is also a sad card. While I am professionally frustrated, ontop (ha!) of that, I'm frustrated in my personal life. Between the ghosting and rudeness, I'm really starting to lose all hope. I'd kill for a good long f**k -- but also a conversation at dinner, and I can't seem to find anyone for either of those things...

I think I am in a state of grief in many ways. My doctoral research is on hold, so I'm intellectually and professionally stagnant -- which kills especially after I spent last year reading 300+ books to pass comp exams. While I am grateful for my editing job, it's not a position with any potential growth attached, and it's definitely not enough money for the long term. But I'm still just trying so hard to focus on being grateful and seeing this as 'one step' before I can take another.

And not going to lie, I am terribly lonely. I've been alienated from all of my colleagues who get to sit around doing their work, traveling to conferences... And everyone I meet here at work is married or busy, so no throwing dinner parties or going out for drinks after work. You'd think maybe since the universe is slamming the door on my professional aspirations, I'd finally get that Hollywood moment where some guy shows up...but nope. Sexual frustration, loneliness, sleepless nights intermingle with feeling absolutely fine, accepting things as they are, and taking my dog to brunch on Saturdays... I am alone with my dog in the world and entirely too many thoughts... So there's Bereavement and Libido.

However, all things considered, this was an absolutely spot on reading technique. And like I said, you ended up being able to reveal many 'layers' around me, and the predictive element with the crazy paperwork/not getting paid debacle is really impressive.


I find it interesting that Joon got INHERITANCE in her FEB reading and you got BEREAVEMENT in this one and, in a rather uncanny way actually, both were quite simply "literal" in meaning and just based on the TITLES themselves.

I know, right! It's always rather mind-blowing when cards get 'literal' -- in this case with the titles, but sometimes (I just got the Love Pack cards) the pictures say so much too. I'm going to have to look in to this deck.

It is a shame that your University was cut throat really and it does seem they didn't do right by you at all. Not one little bit. It couldn't have been easy working with people that were underhanded nor having to deal with it all to try and get the money owed to you. Far out! Very unfair.

Well, this mess has put me in a really unprecedented no-win situation. I could always pursue a formal grievance, but I'm afraid of the potential for political-suicide + my adviser himself a good guy, so the injustice falls on the soulless francophone bureaucracy... It must be nice to just not answer emails for a month and still keep your job!

One of the hardest lessons in life is betrayal.

Well, I got double dippings of it here! Extra-helpings of lessons .. :)

What goes around comes around is all I will say.:D

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, really appreciated.

DND :)

Here's hoping! But again, it was a good, deep reading with this technique -- and you should be commended for the intuitive instinct.


We may very well have a "focus" point. :D
An impasse and/or sense of no direction plus feeling at a loss as to what to do next.

"3 months ahead: What should zhadee expect to happen in her life between now and the next 3 months or so and/or where will she be at?".

Lenormand Focus card: Woman (5 random cards extra card due to Scythe).
Psycard: Advise One.
MK: Extra Advise and/or Warning.

Lenormand: Snake (7)/Key (33)/WOMAN (29)/Child (13)/Scythe (10)/ Heart (24).
Psycards: The Moon (21)
MK: Great Happiness (26)

Will try to keep it simple as possible.

Now this may still be ongoing or in progress at the 3 month point, so just be aware.

Between now and the coming months it looks like you will really be looking at or becoming more aware of "key issues" in your life. There are possibly signs that you are either missing and/or not reading correctly like, for example, body language or aches/pains that may signify something else.

E.g. Lack of eye contact - Hiding something. Sore throat - Not speaking out enough. Burning ear: Gossip behind your back.

Those kinds of signs and that is what you may need to pay attention to somewhat.

Also, I wonder if this is pointing at real issues cropping up that you will need to deal with, and not anything that can be swept under the carpet, or brushed to the side.

Like lava building up in a volcano over time and then it erupts.

I think you will be taking small steps rather than making drastic...anything. But there will be decisions you will make that are inevitable and towards feeling more fulfilled and/or passionate about things again. Maybe even decisions about your relationship.

It looks like you will be cutting out what does not work for you even if just something little or taking it one hour or one day at a time.


what happened to me in the last 3 months... there had been some dramatic changes at work. One customer lost a trial, a workmate lost her job - both had been person I found it difficult to deal with. This was the lava building up-scenario.
Inevitable decisions: I decluttered my home, and I stopped to play computer games. Now I am an AT addict :p



1) Use your intuition to find alternative solutions to your problems.
2) Go back to using your imagination.
3) Pay attention to your dreams and the messages they might be giving you.
4) Don't be fickle and watch out for any moodiness.

done that :)

Mystical Kipper: Great Happiness.

Expect a happy turn around or at least things to be less oppressive.

So, I think there is some work ahead of you and if it is tackled or dealt with accordingly, things will definitely look up for you.

DND :)

Well, less oppressive feels about right :) great reading, thank you very much!


Volcano eruption or the s^*t will hit the fan.

Life is quite funny that way sometimes and when you least expect it.

Decluttering would really make a difference.

Before I moved recently I gave away things or tossed out anything I had not looked at in 5 years.

Liberating. :)

Thanks for the feedback and good to know you no longer have to deal with negative people.

DND :)


what happened to me in the last 3 months... there had been some dramatic changes at work. One customer lost a trial, a workmate lost her job - both had been person I found it difficult to deal with. This was the lava building up-scenario.
Inevitable decisions: I decluttered my home, and I stopped to play computer games. Now I am an AT addict :p

done that :)

Well, less oppressive feels about right :) great reading, thank you very much!