Would the Magician make a good husband?


Who would make a good husband?

Diana said:
I agree with Lady Mary here. I think there has been a lot of sterotyping in this thread about the Magician (as well as the Queen of Swords).

The Bateleur, or if you prefer, the Magician, is quite a marvellous fellow. I get the impression many people only tend to see him with his "reversed" meanings.

I agree with you both ...

as my mum used to tell me when I was small, don't worry they're just jelaous because you're having more fun ;) hhehehee

now another question, which if you guys consider interesting enough might start off another thread.

Since according to most of you the Magician is such a No-No (I disagree), which Major Arcana character would make the best husband then?????

See, if you ask me I would ask who is going to be the wife?

But since there are some traits that you guys consider basic in the ideal husband, who out of the Major Arcana would make the cut?????????


freesiaskye said:
Much of it done jokingly, but I guess if you don't get the joke.....

My reference to 666 was a private joke related to my friend's real name and nothing more.

I didn't even see your reference to 666.

The humour in this thread was quite visible to me. Possibly I missed out on some of the more hilarious jokes because some of the posts I read more quickly than others. But I will go back and read them all carefully.


See now, we are going to have to start a new thread, entitled, "If not the Magician, then who?"

And see, I would nominate the Knight of Cups. :) But he would have to be a Knight of Cups capable of also being a Magician, to start with, and then maybe a few dozen other Tarot Cards along the way :)

Oh.. and some want slaves for husbands. Hmmm, well I guess it would be nice to have a slave who is also a master })

isthmus nekoi

firemaiden said:
Oh.. and some want slaves for husbands. Hmmm, well I guess it would be nice to have a slave who is also a master

THe Devil.

Give me the Lightbringer anyday ^_~


Originally posted by Lady Mary So why shouldn?t he be able to turn them into reality. And why should the Queen of Swords always find a hair in the soup and criticize him? And why should he always spoil her dinner parties? I picture both of them way too smart to do such things (in a fate-like manner). They know what they have of each other.

You're certainly free to disagree and feel otherwise--but please don't misunderstand. Smarts has nothing to do with it. The smartest people in the world can ruin a marriage. We're talking personality. We're also talking about a good marriage. The Q/S is, by nature, fairly cool in personality. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be the Queen of Swords. That's what these cards are all about. Not sterotypes but Archtypes. And the Q/S archtype is that of the cool, focused, dignified, super intelligent, very adult and very in control woman. Can she love? Certainly. But she's going to show it in HER own way--if you could "melt" her, or make her show her love demonstratively she would not be who she is. Just as the Magician is who he is--playful and wild, brilliant, charming.

Speaking of which, you say the Magician "doesn?t necessarily have to be someone who is always wasting his talents." I'm sorry, did I say that? You will remember, I'm married to a Magician. And that is the LAST thing I would ever say. My husband is one of the smartest, most creative men I know, and I'd never, for an instant, say he was wasting his talents.

But I know women who would and have said it. Women who don't understand why he isn't using his intelligence in a more focused and reliable manner--like working in a lab, or at a 9-to-5 business, etc. A lot of these women are Queen of Sword types. They enjoy my husband's company just fine, have great discussions with him, match wits with him. But he's NOT WHAT THEY WANT IN A HUSBAND. The one question I always get asked by these women--"Is he like that all the time?" And they shake their heads. "That would drive me crazy."

Because he's never quiet or still--and I don't mean talking, I mean personality. He's a LOUD personality. He's out and about, he's surrounded by others, he's coming up with a million ideas--and he doesn't always follow through with one idea before he's onto a new one. The Queen of Swords wants and needs a man of focus. He can do his own thing, certainly. But she wants that "point" at the end. Don't get me wrong, the Magician DOES have a point, always. But it's not always evident, nor will it remain the same as he develops it--and that could drive the Queen of Swords crazy.

Also, the Queen of Swords isn't one who likes to play. That's just not her. Nothing wrong with it. She's dignified. She's adult--and she wants her mate to be the same. The Magician is playful, and he's going to be hurt if his wife won't play with him--not all the time, but a LOT.

If the Queen of Swords can't give him that, can't give him a LOT of attention, a LOT of her time, a LOT of play, then she's not a good wife for him. And if he creates a lot of chaos in her life, keeping her from her focus and dignity, then he's not a good husband for her. Simple as that. Doesn't mean they can't be friends, can't like or even love each other. But as so many divorced couples will tell you, love, however intense, isn't always enough. You have to be able to give the other person what they need. If they feel they can only get things done, are only themselves, their REAL selves when they're not with you...then you don't really have a very good relationship, do you?

But you seem to really identify with the Queen of Swords--do you really feel that she's you're alter ego? And are you happily married to a Magician?



The magician is always busy full with excuses.....

lousy husband [I know believe me]


I honestly don't know how a magician can be all that bad. I was raised by one and I'm about to marry another. My father is a slight smooth talker, fun at parties, and does ocasionaly steal the spotlight and definately a mr. fix-it. We love tossing jokes back and forth, hair, height, age, weight you name it we'll insult it. So I guess that puts a little magician in me then huh? Well, anyways...my fiance' has that new quick easy money idea in his head just about every day, that and his talents are just the jack-of-all-trades kind also. Oh and if spontanitiy was an album he'd be going platinum. Flowers because I'm sad, flowers b/c I'm happy, b/c I'm sick, b/c I got a new job, just b/c....love letters b/c we broke up, letters b/c we're back together, letters because it's our anniversary....

Oh and as to what kind of person that could deal with it, moon. I'd have to be crazy to be raised by a magician & want to marry one :D. and for the most part it's been wonderful, just as long as a certain in-law stays out of it. What card would best describe a helpless, needy person who just has to be in control??

Red Emma

Magician as a spouse

Fascinating thread, however... I'm really surprised by the prevailing concept of the guy/gal. So I thought to bump up the thread in preparation for posting an entirely different outlook.

I'm not sure the magician would make a good spouse...s/he'd be too busy going about her work -- straightening out the Universe.

Goddess Bless,

Red Emma


if the magician is a woman

if the magician representing a woman, what kind of husband would she need?!
hoping for interesting insight,