Daughters of the Moon Tarot: Some questions


I bought this deck yesterday, but couldn't find the book anywhere in the shops. It seems I'm gonna have o order it.

However, until I get the book, I'm stuck! The Majors aren't numbered, and although I've guessed which cards are which, I am still a bit lost with the 'Dreamer' card and the 'Oppression' card. It seems the only two slots left for these cards are Death and the Emperor. I also can't see a Fool, and what is 'Celebration?'

Now onto the Minors: Why is the 10 of Swords pictured as an insanely happy, communal occassion? And why is the 2 of Cups pictured as dreary, dismal, and downright horrible?!!

Thanks in advance



Quote:Kiama (11 Feb, 2002 07:06):
I am still a bit lost with the 'Dreamer' card and the 'Oppression' card. It seems the only two slots left for these cards are Death and the Emperor. I also can't see a Fool, and what is 'Celebration?'

Now onto the Minors: Why is the 10 of Swords pictured as an insanely happy, communal occassion? And why is the 2 of Cups pictured as dreary, dismal, and downright horrible?!!

Dreamer is the Fool. Oppression, Pan and Coyotewoman can all be used for the Devil. Nice how they made the only man in the deck a devil, huh?

Ffiona Morgan redistributed some of the negative energy of the swords into other arcana, as she felt swords was too negative.

My deck came with an instruction sheet, if you want it, let me know and I'll either fax or mail it to you.



So, what card is the Emperor, and what card is Death?

Kiama *Even more confused*


Hi Kiama,

Sounds like you have an older deck. In late 2000, I'm told the insruction sheet came out. Maybe this will help:

Fool = Dreamer
Witch = Magician
Isis = High Preistess
Mawu = Empress
Emperor = None
Aphrodite = Lovers
Amazon = Chariot
Strength = Strength
The Wise One - Crone = Hermit
Spiderwoman = Wheel of Fortune
Maat = Justice
Reversal - Hanged Man
Phoenix = Death
Temperance = Temperance
Oppression = Devil
Pan = not linked, but suggestive of the Devil
Coyotewoman = not linked, but suggestive of Devil
Kali = Tower
Star = Star
Yemaya = Moon
Ameratsu = Sun
Celebration - Judgment
Shakti = World

The author spells woman and women as wimmin and womyn. Presumably, males are so antithetical, even a portion of the word can't be associated with females.

I disagree strongly with her isolationist view of gender integration, but I still use the deck.



No Emperor card, and 3 devils, well thats interesting. I think Id probbly associate Pan with the Emperor, she probably gves him a horridly negative meaning, he is a man after all, but I think it fits well enough for those of us without gender issues. Not that I have this deck. I guess a feminist would display the only man in the archetypal lusty role


Kiama, I have the book, and strongly suggest you order it . But I am not at home right now and so will rely on memory. The "Dreamer" is the Fool. The card titled "Mawu" or Empress is meant to stand for the Empress AND the Emperor Both according to the authors. So , there is no Emperor But "Mawu" (The woman giving birth on an Elephant) incorporates the creative energy of both male and female , in a matriarchy or feminist type of way, before the "patriarchy " of the Emperor. I do believe "Oppression","Pan " , and "Coyotewoman" hold the devil energy.Also , I agree with you! The 10 of swords is just totally different then RW meaning.And also the 2 of cups. These 2 were also confusing for me.In the book , the author apparently just decided to give those 2 cards a meaning that she chose , and it's pretty close to how the card looks (The 10 of swords IS a happy communion! And the 2 of cups is titled "Depression" if you can believe that!)Also , there are 2 Lovers cards. One with 2 women , the other has a woman and a person that Could be either a man or a woman (I figure it's a man!) Interestingly , in my last reading I did with this deck , I pulled both the 2 of cups AND the 10 of swords! After that I became so confused that I've put this (beautiful) deck on the shelf for awhile , and have been using only the Cosmic Tribe , Which I LOVE!!! But wait, I hear Daughter's of the Moon calling to me!


I also notice there is no High Priest.... How can you have a Major Arcana without the Emperor and High Priest?!! *Kiama throws her hands up in despair* I don't understand Dianism at all. (I'm presuming its Dianic, cuz its certainly feminist but also Goddess-based...) But I do love this deck. I esp. like the 6 of Pentacles and Mawu.



Got to disagree with you on Mawu. In her book, Daughters of the Moon Tarot (Revised Edition), Mawu is a complete rejection of male energy.

Author Ffiona Morgan talks about patriarchal exploitation and "no greater oppression that that experienced my mothers." (at p. 19).

Her only credit to males, is that we produce half the genetic material for females. "Praises are given to the progenital male as god or husband, who is seen as the source of all." (Id).

She refers to mothers as being brainwashed, religious oppression of motherhood, and similar rhetoric.

This deck easily has the artistic quality to be a bestseller. However, the wholesale changes in correspondences make purchase of the book a must. Unfortunately, the book so chock full of anti-male sentiment, that it leads me to conclude that this deck won't ever become mainstream. That is truly a shame.



Divinerguy: Wow, this book sounds like a good one to read when I want my heckles raised! What I meant when I said I like Mawu, is that it is the only Empress card (Other than the one I created for the FACT Tarot) that is showing a woman actually giving birth, instead of just passively standing/sitting around. To me,the Empress is about active creation, not passivity: The High Priestess is for that! So, having Mawu actually actively giving birth seemed right to me. I had no idea about what Ffiona had to say about the card.

I strongly disagree with her. Personally, I see it as a gift that women can bear children. I wouldn't give such a gift up for the world. However, I'm sure Ffiona is very happy that her own mother was 'oppressed' horrifically by patriarchy in the worst way possible. I don't see childbirth as oppression at all, and can't see how Ffiona justifies her point! True, only women can do it, which may make it seem as though we are 'oppressed' by men, but that's not the case: It's simply the way Nature is. Earth gives birth, doesn't She? It's not like society can say, hey, women, you have a choice as to whether your husband bears the kids or you. You want kids, you gotta have a womb, and gotta be female. No oppression there. It seems Ffiona is looking for oppression in the wrong places...




By trade, I'm an attorney (Barrister for you Brits). I'm doing anti-discrimination cases right now, so perhaps I'm being a little too senstive about the issue.

But I hate being excluded from something or singled out for a characteristic over which I have no control.
