World reversed on my Sisters pregnancy.


not sure what it means, heard suggestion it could mean a natural disasters coming, or maybe a difficult or painful birth.


Welcome to Aeclectic Tarot!

Because this is a learning forum, one of the rules is that before anyone can comment on your reading, you must first interpret the card yourself.

What was the question the card was answering? How do you interpret the World, reversed, as an answer to that question?


it often means natural disaster... Im worried for her


The world to me means in this context that she is not due yet. Baby isn't yet ready to be born. The world upright would possibly indicate she is due and ready to have the baby or is already giving birth.


The "difficult" side of the World card may come from its association with the astrological Saturn, which has been called the "Taskmaster" and the "Great Teacher." The idea being that nothing worth having is achieved lightly, a difficult delivery could certainly be indicated by the reversal. In purely literal terms a reversed card appearing in a childbirth scenario could suggest a breech birth (around 4% of all births, so not all that likely).


Reading your threads title "world reversed on my sisters pregnancy" , I immediately thought: a breeched baby.. and I don't know how far along she is, but if she's around 6-8 months pregnant, it's only normal for baby's to be in this position...the baby's goes into the right position by 34-36 weeks. and thinking about this some more, The World reversed indicates that the cycle has not been completed yet... which only indicates that the baby is just not due yet, still . Your sisters pregnancy is not completed yet...but how about she's nearly to the due -date? then it would be only appropiate for the world to come up reversed.

Also please don't worry about the horrors you autimatically seem to go with, seeing a reversal card.. because I really don't think thats the case here. The world is a beautiful card to get for a pregnancy, and the fact that its reversed, would only indicate it's not completed yet
And besides the question was about her pregnancy...not about the childbirth itself.

So hope you've calmed down a bit.. tell your sister also not to worry.. and next time I think it will be better to go see her gyneacologist FIRST before doing you know that everything is okay to start with ;)
Maybe a tip for you aswell to do a multiple card spread, like a 3 cardspread... or just a clarifying card...just to gain additional information of the meaning of a particular (reversed) card.

Hope this helped you a bit!?!

-Blessings- Q


not sure what it means, heard suggestion it could mean a natural disasters coming, or maybe a difficult or painful birth.

I don't like to equate the cards with such dire outcomes. It puts unneeded stress on the querent.

Psychologically I would look at the cards as fears or paranoia. A lot of women suffer rollercoaster emotions due to the hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy. So the cards is likely to be discussing unease, fear for the baby, fear for herself or even doubt about motherhood.


Oh suggestions on a good spread for a pregnancy?


Hi BA,

firstly, just letting you know that you should give feedback to *all people* who post to respond how their interpretation fits to your own take and the card.

secondly, no card has just one meaning. I think natural disaster is a far-fetched interpretation for pregnancy. Look at the card - it shows a person inside a circle (a naked baby in the womb). It's just saying there is a baby. What exactly did you ask? How will the pregnancy progress or birth go?

I think it's either 'the baby is still developing' or 'the baby will be in breach' (wrong way around) when the birth is due. Neither means a disaster - the latter is fixable :)


I read no other answers but I immediately thought: breech position.

I don't really understand how a reading about a specific pregnancy should bring an answer about global catastrophes. Tarot is more specific than that.

Concerning painful births: giving birth is usually not completely painless, that's why she should prepare herself and inform herself about anti pain options. I don't see the reversed World as indicator of pain. I'd see it as breech position or delayed onset of birth.

Now I'll go and read the other answers ;-)

ETA: That was fun.