Ciro Marchetti Marseille-Inspired Deck

Luna's Crone

Thanx, I appreciate it.


Well for what it's worth, it's done. Finished the last card over the weekend. Now I walk away from it for a couple of weeks, return with fresh eyes to tweek, modify, correct as necessary. Then I'll work on the animated mini videos that the cards trigger and can be viewed on your smart phones, also finish the companion document...... And that will then be it, let the cards fall as they may (pun intended). As enjoyable and/or stressful as working on a deck can be, and this one was both, for a number of reasons, there is always a sense of relief when it's finished.


Congratulations. Looking forward to getting one.


Ciro, I cannot WAIT for this deck :D A huge congratulations!!


Another first rate accomplishment!


Way to go. Now I just want the order link :D


Bring it on! We are ready!! Congrats!


Bravo, Ciro! A job well done as one would expect. I'm not really into the TdM or any variants like some are, but this deck is just too lucrative to pass up knowing how well your past projects turned out. Very exciting to have a new baby deck in the family soon!


Yay yay yay! I'm looking forward to the email letting us know that the deck is available to (pre)order! Also looking forward to the video to tide me over until then. :)