Lost and Found Cards Singles Bar


High Priestess in Hanson Roberts?

Anyone got a spare High Priestess for the Hanson Roberts? She took a sabbatical in Texas without telling me while I was there last summer and never returned. Maybe it's a sign I'm destined to return to the Lone Star state some day to find my inner HP, but I still would love to be able to use the deck. :)

Otherwise.... I'll probably end up using the cards as craft scrap or getting rid of the remainder of the deck. That'd be sad!


Balbi , various cards available

Photokat, I haven't anything you need, but my Balbi has a damaged Soto de Espades - if you have one that's OK to replace it, that'd be truly great!




Fantastic Menagerie

So, several months ago I received a brand new, shrink wrapped Fantastic Menagerie, which I adore. However, it has two Ten of Cups cards and no Three of Swords. As much as I would like a double helping of Ten of Cups energy and could do without (any more) Three of Swords moments (or months...) I won't feel good about reading with the deck until it is complete.

In short, does anyone have a Fantastic Menagerie Ten of Cups? :love:


For that I would try baba-prague (the publisher and creator.)


gregory said:
For that I would try baba-prague (the publisher and creator.)

I have emailed them, thank you gregory. :) I assume they are busy or still settling in or something. I have also tried returning the deck through Amazon, but I let too much time go by between receiving it and going through it card by card, although as I said, it is not a terrible problem to have.


Try a PM here - often faster :)



I just received a used copy of the Ancien Tarot de Marseilles by Grimaud. The deck is perfect, but it came with one card missing: Le Monde (The World). If anyone had an extra copy, let me know!

It's the french deck. How unlucky of me, i cannot even find a new copy of it for sale here :(

Can anyone help me?

Le Fanu

Just trimmed my BIG AG Muller Thoth (a recent addition; nothing vintage). I did a very good job I think. However, I took a little too much off the 8 of Cups and the 6 of cups with the scissors and they are now noticably smaller than the other cards :(

Anyone with these cards spare for me to re-trim, Id be eternally grateful...


So, I received a used Dragon Tarot for my birthday and discovered it is missing The Empress. I steered them toward buying me this deck so I'm not about to tell them I made them buy a dud! On the other hand, I'd happily tell them the fun story of how the deck was made whole after a shaky start :)

Can you help me avoid lying by omission? I would be so grateful!

Any dragon Empresses lying around unused out there?
(US Games, Pracownik/Donaldson)


I looking for some loose cards for montage
(doesnt matter if theyre broken, faded or damage in any way)

I can also trade