Cold Case: Tina and Bethany


I have my own cold case here in New Hampshire. This one I have some personal knowledge of.

Back in 2001, a woman and her 15-year-old daughter (Tina and Bethany) who lived a couple of miles from me, disappeared never to be seen again. The sole person of interest in all of the subsequent police investigations was her live-in boyfriend, a man I worked with for a number of years, and another guy who worked for me was friends with Tina. Nothing related to the double disappearance was ever pinned on the suspect, who was convicted in early 2001 and subsequently served jail time for molesting his own daughters back in the 1990s. The interesting thing is that Tina and Bethany disappeared the day after he was convicted (after pleading guilty) and released on bond. I heard later from Tina's friend that her bf had told her on at least one occasion "I could kill you and they would never find you."

I did a GT to ask "What happened to Tina and Bethany?" I used the Burning Serpent deck (photo attached).

The very first card to come up in the spread (in the house of the Rider) was the Dead Tree (Coffin). Dead Tree mirrors Whip in the house of Coffin. OK, it can't get much plainer than that. Following it were Book, Girl & Boy, Clouds, Ring, Scythe, Woman and Whip. This line seems to encapsulate the entire situation leading up to the disappearance. A mysterious ending involving a child, with the Ring, Scythe, Woman series suggesting that Tina had moved to terminate the relationship, resulting in deadly backlash (Whip in the house of Coffin). Woman on Snake and Scythe on Clouds suggest that she had no clue what was coming (although she seems to have had every reason to).

The Man is in the second line, in the house of Birds (which mainly looks like an indicator of stress here.) The Man followed by the Tower and the Tree suggest a lengthy incarceration for him. The Man knighting to the Scythe next to the Woman makes me think he had something he wanted to do to her before going away.

Another thought is that, since both the Woman and the Man knight to the Ship (in the house of Paths/Roads), she may have told him she was leaving for good, which set him off. Their paths were already about to diverge, and she wanted to make it permanent.

The only other thing that really stands out for me is the last line of four: Cross-Bear-Mice-Clover. The Bear in this deck strongly echoes the physical presence of this man; he is tall, very strong, supremely self-confident and dangerous-looking (the very first time I laid eyes on him at work, I thought "Son of Sam"). The line suggests that he carried them somewhere and did something that reduced their bodies to dust or ashes, and now they're "pushing up daisies" (or clover), and it seems his "luck" is holding. If anyone was ever smart enough and devious enough to successfully pull off this kind of thing, this is the guy.

I'll spend some more time with this later.


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Am going to keep with the "German method" if I remember to remember.....

Will take a proper look at this later tomorrow or on the weekend as it is getting late (almost 2:00 am) and I am off to bed soon.

This is intriguing though and rather sad especially with a young female being involved.

Just off hand:

I do see that someone was having an affair (long standing) in that relationship and in the part I call the "heart of the matter", well right next to it to be precise, is something like "domestic violence", "sexual co dependency" or a "fiery relationship". Mostly connected to the "Man".

In the "heart of the matter" is "the other woman" and next to her is "finances", so maybe the cause of stress financially.

Not sure what is on the HOUSE of COFFIN or which card it the CHILD card.

DND :)


Am going to keep with the "German method" if I remember to remember.....

Will take a proper look at this later tomorrow or on the weekend as it is getting late (almost 2:00 am) and I am off to bed soon.

This is intriguing though and rather sad especially with a young female being involved.

Just off hand:

I do see that someone was having an affair (long standing) in that relationship and in the part I call the "heart of the matter", well right next to it to be precise, is something like "domestic violence", "sexual co dependency" or a "fiery relationship". Mostly connected to the "Man".

In the "heart of the matter" is "the other woman" and next to her is "finances", so maybe the cause of stress financially.

Not sure what is on the HOUSE of COFFIN or which card it the CHILD card.

DND :)

I believe I mentioned that Whip is on Coffin, and it mirrors the Dead Tree/Coffin card in the house of Rider.

The Girl & Boy card is Place's version of the Child.


Just off hand:

I do see that someone was having an affair (long standing) in that relationship and in the part I call the "heart of the matter", well right next to it to be precise, is something like "domestic violence", "sexual co dependency" or a "fiery relationship". Mostly connected to the "Man".

In the "heart of the matter" is "the other woman" and next to her is "finances", so maybe the cause of stress financially. DND :)

You could be onto something here. The record shows that, on the day of the disappearance, an unknown woman called Tina's work and said "Tina's not feeling well, she won't be coming in today." This had some people thinking it was a woman helping to cover Tina's escape, and the Bouquet and the Dog touching the Woman might suggest that. But the Woman knights to the Fox in the house of the Heart (perhaps the "Man's companion" as shown by Heart + Man), so the mystery woman's purpose may have been to deflect suspicion. Apparently, her identity was never pried out of the suspect, but then he has an iron will and a steel-trap mind, and could probably withstand any number of polygraph tests. All of the evidence was circumstantial, so he's a free man and still living here in town.


So Where Are They?

I have a location spread that I created for tarot, but it can work with any deck that has "topic" cards or significators. It involves dealing out the cards face up in a counter-clockwise zodiacal sequence (East, North, West, South) until the significator pops up. In this case I had two significators, Woman and Child, and I kept dealing until they both showed up.

The Woman came up first in the North, facing toward the North-east, and the Child came up two turns later in the same location, with the Bouquet between them. I believe that wherever they are, they're together. If they're in fact alive, they could be happy.

The town dump is North-east of where they lived, and the man had a week after her initial disappearance when he could have disposed of the evidence. He had told people she and her daughter had left after a fight, and he would never say anything more than that to investigators - they called him "uncooperative." At one point during that week he had her step-father helping him load up a trailer with junk to go to the dump. When the investigation started they sealed off the dump to check for remains but nothing was found. He probably was well aware of the transfer station schedule and was very careful about DNA evidence.

The "story" in the cards at the North was Sun-Cross-Woman-Bouquet-Child. The Cross here may mean "fated" more than "burden," and I'm wondering if they might be under a "protection" program somewhere. The Cross can also indicate a cemetery, but it's not likely they were buried in any conventional manner. Maybe it means they were "declared legally dead" in order to get on with their new lives, somewhere "in the country" to the North-east (Maine and Eastern Canada are possibilities). But this seems more like wishful thinking than anything else.


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On the go as on my phone...

There is a possibility that the woman met a violent death with your "tree of the dead" being on House of the "Rider" and "Whip" on the house of "Coffin".

It happened quickly and was very violent and it is the current situation. Either that or it is about "endings".

Whoever "the other woman " is she knows what happened and likely where the "woman" is as the "woman" comes up on the house of the "Snake".

As for location - that requires more energy. :)

DND :)


On the go as on my phone...

There is a possibility that the woman met a violent death with your "tree of the dead" being on House of the "Rider" and "Whip" on the house of "Coffin".

It happened quickly and was very violent and it is the current situation. Either that or it is about "endings".

Whoever "the other woman " is she knows what happened and likely where the "woman" is as the "woman" comes up on the house of the "Snake".

As for location - that requires more energy. :)

DND :)

This guy has such massive, powerful hands that, along with the fact there was no blood found on the premises or in his car, my wife and I think he could have readily - and quite silently - strangled them. Also, there apparently was another female disappearance shortly after that time - maybe he was tying up loose ends - but we haven't been able to find any details on it. I'm also wondering - with Lilies-Stork-Heart-Man -whether someone from his past may have followed him here and reconnected with him.


I am going to do it as though their disappearances was because he "murdered" them although it has never been proven. But with the "current situation" being about "endings" with the "Tree of the dead" on "house of the Rider" and "Whip" being on the house of Coffin I feel it could be the worst case scenario one could imagine. (Deep down I always hope for the best and like it when the cards are proven wrong in cases like this).

What happened to Tina and Bethany?"

Looking at what "knights" the "Man" - we have "Book, Scythe, Ship, Garden, Crossroads, and House".

So, did he make out he was "somewhere else" when Tina and Bethany disappeared?

As I see it he had a small window of opportunity and that he "planned" it on the quiet (Book on Clover) only he was not 100% certain about when to do the "deed" although it was something he was not going to change his mind about (Scythe on Clouds). He lied about where he was when it came to an "alibi" (Ship on Fox). Tina I feel would have been "known" and may have been "popular" and this is something he knew. (Garden on Woman). I am wondering if he had "insurance" taken out on her (or them) and not just one. (Crossroads on Letter with KEY and FISH above it) and it all ties in to the "home" in some way. Maybe he did not want to lose anything materialistic if it came to a divorce/de-facto break up etc.

I also cannot help but wonder if she is still in the area or closer to home than you think.

DND :)


I am going to do it as though their disappearances was because he "murdered" them although it has never been proven. But with the "current situation" being about "endings" with the "Tree of the dead" on "house of the Rider" and "Whip" being on the house of Coffin I feel it could be the worst case scenario one could imagine. (Deep down I always hope for the best and like it when the cards are proven wrong in cases like this).

What happened to Tina and Bethany?"

Looking at what "knights" the "Man" - we have "Book, Scythe, Ship, Garden, Crossroads, and House".

So, did he make out he was "somewhere else" when Tina and Bethany disappeared?

As I see it he had a small window of opportunity and that he "planned" it on the quiet (Book on Clover) only he was not 100% certain about when to do the "deed" although it was something he was not going to change his mind about (Scythe on Clouds). He lied about where he was when it came to an "alibi" (Ship on Fox). Tina I feel would have been "known" and may have been "popular" and this is something he knew. (Garden on Woman). I am wondering if he had "insurance" taken out on her (or them) and not just one. (Crossroads on Letter with KEY and FISH above it) and it all ties in to the "home" in some way. Maybe he did not want to lose anything materialistic if it came to a divorce/de-facto break up etc.

I also cannot help but wonder if she is still in the area or closer to home than you think.

DND :)

The story he stuck to is that they had a fight, he left the home for a few hours, and while he was gone she left with her daughter and never came back, taking all their cloths but nothing else. But there has never been any activity on any of her credit cards, cell phone, Social Security or other accounts; she left her job with no other source of income, never cashing her last paycheck, so it seems unlikely she just relocated somewhere else. This was why I was thinking she might have been in some kind of protection program as soon as she left, because he did threaten her obliquely in the past. The investigation may have just been a "smoke screen."

I don't believe he ever reported her missing, so someone else realized she was no longer responding to contact attempts. They weren't married, there was no mention of any insurance that he might have benefited from, and she didn't have any direct claim on any of his assets that I'm aware of. I think something pivotal happened between them that was a long time coming to a head, since the relationship had been troubled for a while.

He used to have big parties (I was invited but never went because he had a reputation for being volatile when drunk) and had a giant fire-pit; the police sifted through it but found nothing, which makes me think he had disposal very carefully orchestrated. They also dredged the river because he was spotted on his hover-craft on the river at 4:30 AM on a February morning. Again, nothing. Whatever he may have done, it wasn't done on impulse.


Was he that much trouble to be put in "witness protection"?. Truly interesting, but what a sad life for anyone to be "threatened" and then something that drastic which means cutting ties with "everyone".

Money is at the heart of it and if you look at Fish and Anchor there is Bear and Mice and Fish is on Garden next to the Snake which is on Mountain.

Issues with his work or business and money problems. Huge stress.

DND :)

The story he stuck to is that they had a fight, he left the home for a few hours, and while he was gone she left with her daughter and never came back, taking all their cloths but nothing else. But there has never been any activity on any of her credit cards, cell phone, Social Security or other accounts; she left her job with no other source of income, never cashing her last paycheck, so it seems unlikely she just relocated somewhere else. This was why I was thinking she might have been in some kind of protection program as soon as she left, because he did threaten her obliquely in the past. The investigation may have just been a "smoke screen."

I don't believe he ever reported her missing, so someone else realized she was no longer responding to contact attempts. They weren't married, there was no mention of any insurance that he might have benefited from, and she didn't have any direct claim on any of his assets that I'm aware of. I think something pivotal happened between them that was a long time coming to a head, since the relationship had been troubled for a while.

He used to have big parties (I was invited but never went because he had a reputation for being volatile when drunk) and had a giant fire-pit; the police sifted through it but found nothing, which makes me think he had disposal very carefully orchestrated. They also dredged the river because he was spotted on his hover-craft on the river at 4:30 AM on a February morning. Again, nothing. Whatever he may have done, it wasn't done on impulse.