DECK OF THE MONTH -MAY 2013 sign up thread


Tuesday Journaling Exercises

TUESDAY: THE FOOL: Journal your ideal dream life. What road are you on to obtain those dreams?
Meditate and just be with the fool card from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.


:)Thanks, Swamp Lady!
When you get me journalling - things come out.....
About many of the things I have written before...
I journal regularly, so it is easy...

Mi-Shell, I agree, very powerful entry. Thanks for opening your heart to us as you have done so many times :)


Wednesday journaling exercise

WEDNESDAY: THE DEVIL: Do you entertain lower level thoughts and feelings? If so, take today to examine why, and how you can remove these thought patterns from your life.

Meditate and just be with the devil from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.

** an appropriate card for me today, as I can see the Hamilton Court House from my window; where today, they charged Dellen Millard with first degree murder **


Posted a couple of readings, I hope I'm doing it right! Finally had a little time to myself.


I hate that I've been too worn out to post as much as I'd like to, but I'm still working with and loving my Bohemian Gothic. I like to a "week ahead" spread every Sunday night, where I choose a card for each day. (I'm always too tired/busy/scatterbrained to do a card of the day on the actual day, so I cover the whole week in one spead!) The BG is turning out to be very accurate for me this week. I'm really connecting with this deck, and I was afraid I'd be twitching for a new deck by now.


Mythical Goddesses The Magician - Morgan le Fay

The Magician.

Am I tapping into my highest source of energy and obtaining my full potential?

What do I say
Seeing Morgan le Fay
She is a college of mine
with wisdom sublime!
Making Magic at night
easing sick people's plight
Whispering the most secret word
that unleashes the Sword
to cut through all dross,
facing hardship and loss
While Raven's winter winds blow
staunching blood in the snow.
Carry warriors home
so they'll not be alone

A few years ago – during the height of the Iraq / Afghanistan war I had a powerful vision of – what turned out to be Morgan le Fay
I posted it here in the Spirituality forum, but since you guys can not see that, here it is, as an example of – potential –
How full??
You decide....

from the Spirituality Forum - Vision thread 10.7. 2007

The Morrigane:

I am sitting on my beading table, listening to the radio while working.
My back hurts, time for a break.
The news anchor tells about how many Canadian Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan.
Horrible conflict. I turn it of, grab a cup of tea and go outside onto the deck. It is a hot, humid day.

Where DO they go? - All those young soldiers, that get killed??

Behind close eyes the scene arises:
Yellowish brown desert dust, a barely recognizable vehicle of same colour. Behind it a young lad in army fatigues, crouches for cover, firing at an unseen opponent 100 yards away. Adrenalin pumping through young vibrant vessels, pushing out screaming fear.
Then the vehicle explodes into a yellow fireball, belching black smoke and the adrenaline surges into open empty space drenched in blood......
And there - She materializes out of the smoke and despair- like a phantom - Morrigane.
Reddish purple cloak, heavy with spiralling beading of marcasites, haematite, garnet and jade. A hauntingly beautiful face, a decade past its prime. Looong tresses of black curly hair, greying at the temples, adorned with bluish black Raven feathers.
Amidst the fire, the chaos and destruction the soul-orb of the fallen warrior turns from living rich red to opaque white, hovers above its former body-home - confused....
She bends down, Her slim, delicate, cupped hands lift up the orb and gently transfer it into the bone bowl at her feet. With it She rises, turns to leave, while a rain of bullets race clear through Her shape towards their intended targets.
Where does She go?

............................. There is an ancient stone wall.
Overgrown with ivy and vines heavy with royal blue grapes. A barrage of “Daddy long-legs” with dark red and yellow-orange bodies guard this place. A Seven-Sleeper emerges from the thick, ready to greet his mistress.
Bone bowl in hand She walks through the entrance into the grotto.
In its middle a huge cauldron, hewn from rock, studded with the crystals of destiny.
A stone bench holds phials and soft leather pouches, containing memories, tears and healing.
In a low alto voice Her chant arises.
Aiiiliho iii’uiho hoo’............ It is now heating the waters of transformation and giving voice to all the pain in the known multiverse, vexing it into silence.
She ads the sands and dusts of garnet and haematite into the waters and russet vapour billows up, filling the space.
Summoned by the chant, the shimmering essence of the long departed condenses into a group of iridescent green-yellow orbs, alive with the faces of his ancestors.
She raises the bone bowl, holds it to Her womb, Her heart, Her temples and then high above the cauldron. Ever so slowly she tilts it, until the soul-orb floats free.
Spiralling slowly it is shedding its red colour back into the cauldron below, then, floating towards the waiting ones, it assumes their yellowish-green glow.
An ancestor among ancestors.

That is, how our warriors return home.

She lowers her arms, the vapour vanishes, all turns to black.
All that remains is the all knowing Seven Sleeper ... (dormouse).

And even She metamorphoses into the Squirrel, sitting on my knee.
I get up- to make a necklace out of garnet, haematite, marcasites and bone beads.....

...... to honour Her.


The devil legacy of the divine

Do you have lower level thoughts and what can you do to change that?

The Devil is a tanned, lean, muscular, topless man. His lower torso is covered by the drape of a red wrap. He wears a mask on the top half of his face that is identical to the mask of the Fool. The Devil looks attractive, tempting, and seductive. Certainly not like monster of imagination - save for his hoof-like hands. Who can't notice his 6-pack haha!

Behind the Devil you see a gigantic golden coin glowing from fire. The Material. Shallow things. That is what the Devil shows you.

Here is the Fool dangling off the side of an hourglass in the Devil's left hand. In his right hand the Devil dangles strings "puppets" of a Sword, a Cup, a Coin, and a Wand. The Fool hides his eyes.

Yet there is nothing scary about this card. The Fool sees nothing scary. He is trying to not be seduced by the material.

Everyone has lower level thoughts and must not try to give in to the seductive nature of the material.


The Devil - Legacy of the Divine

The Devil

The Devil in this deck is in the form of a man, controlling the suits in one hand and dangling the fool in the other hand on top of an hour glass. The fool seems afraid of what is to come, he is shielding his eyes and putting his hands up as to avoid what is coming next. The devil seems to control the outcome of the fool; as well as the minors. He is larger than life, and totally in control, the sands of the hour glass have run out.

The Devil is a needed archetypal pattern. I think we need an outlet to blame for the evils of society. It is hard to imagine why someone would commit heinous acts. What makes some of us do things that others certainly would not, “the devil made him do it”?. I think, as Mi-Shell has stated in a previous card/post, in the original times of tarot, the devil was a real entity to those people, I think the “devil” card, may have at one time, truly represented “the devil”.

I’m not sure how I personally feel about a “devil”. I do believe there is good and bad, there needs to be a balance, I believe there are angels and demons, the good and bad entities not of our world. I do not believe in“the devil made him do it”. We are all creatures of free will. For my mind, I cannot image how some people can do the things that they do. We are all different. I cannot image how people can partake in heinous crimes, but I also cannot image how people can bungie-jump - and I am in no way implying they are similar, there are just things on all levels, as an individual, that I do not understand.... The art of being human.

The devil for meditative purposes, to me, implies that we should look inside our shadow side, face what is there, accept what is there, maybe not necessarily change it, but accept it and learn to live with it as part of us; we can learn to recognize it, so that when it appears, we know its heart and soul. We all have shadows, but I think we have to acknowledge them... acknowledge the dark side so that we can truly enjoy the light.

Maybe the people who commit true evil, have never had a chance to walk in the light.... they have never had the chance to face their shadow and accepted their shadow, it just consumed them. I guess I will never truly know what makes evil “tick”, at least I can hope that I never will.


Thursday Journaling Exercise

THURSDAY: THE EMPEROR: Am I leading by example in my life?
Meditate and just be with the emperor from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.


Hii all,
I'm sorry I haven't been active at all in this thread (or any thread for that matter) this month. I've been having some problems, have not been feeling well and have 6 exams next week, so I'm a little stressed out and haven't found much time to be working with my tarot. I'm might get active again after my exams are over, but (seeing as the month will be almost over by then) I'll definitely be active in June. I'm sorry for not being active, I love to read all the post here and contribute, but I just haven't had the time.