DECK OF THE MONTH -MAY 2013 sign up thread


Mythical Goddess Tarot

Meditate and just be with the Devil from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.
My deck does not have a Devil card. The XV spot is occupied by Initiation = Mary Magdalene
My thoughts about this Card:
XV Initiation Mary Magdalene
Jesuses girlfriend – complete with halo and Madonna like expression.
I always have a deep aversion to cards depicting these christian saints and have – at times removed them out of decks.....
But why is she in the position of the Devil? Because she slept with the guy? He was a Jew and Jewish men of his age had to be married – or were not taken seriously.... of course, do not tell these kind of things to the christians.... did Jesus even exist? There are no historical records for that – NONE!!! It is a myth, just like so many others....
But- do not tell THAT to the christians either – or....
Mary, you are a red herring!
Did you ever exist?
Are you there to initiate believers into a more realistic version of this myth?

The Devil makes me ask these questions ;)
What will be the answers?

Do you entertain lower level thoughts and feelings? If so, take today to examine why, and how you can remove these thought patterns from your life.
Well, sure I do have “lower level thoughts”!!
...and feelings!
The thing with these is: Do I recognize them as such?
In time = BEFORE I ACT on them?
Yes! There is the temptation, sometimes rising like magma in the caldera of a volcano with a feeling that is closely related to sexual tension..
But, when I recognize this “rising”
Then it is time to take a step back, disengage, become the observer and realize, what is going on. Take a deeeeeeep breath and..... relax.
Ifffff that were just so easy as it is writing it down.
Sometimes, when I am tiered and exhausted, it takes EVERYTHING out of me.
I sooooooo want to “blow my cork”
It is not about “removing these thought patterns from our lives”
They are part and parcel to a healthy well balanced h person.
It is the ACTING out these thought patterns that we have to control.
When can we get away with it without damage to us or others and when just NOT.

By the way: We all seem to “get” what is meant by “lower level thoughts”
But that sounds like soooo whitewashed/ New Age-y.
These “lower level thoughts” all have words, that go with them.
Do we dare to call them by their name?
In order to face them:
The Devil in me wants tolist a few, that come to mind.
Anger – just being pi sssssed at …..... because of.....
REVENGE!!!!!!! YOU stole the very last Raisin Cookie!!!!!! and I will KILLL you for that!!!


I'm sort of recycling part of this post from a comment I made on a blog post.

(If you haven't ever figured out your own tarot profile, I highly recommend it. It's very insightful! Especially if your like me and you enjoy studying different aspects of yourself). Anyway...

THURSDAY 5/16: THE EMPEROR: Am I leading by example in my life? Meditate and just be with the emperor from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.

As far as birth and year cards go, I am a solid 4-4 with The Emperor being my personality and soul card, and Death and the Fool being my shadow and teacher cards. So, I've been dying to write about all those prompts specifically, how they correlate. There so much going on in my head and so little time or opportunity to get it all down! Lol!

At first, I was a bit disappointed with the Emperor. Why couldn’t I be something pretty and feminine like he Empress, the High Priestess, the Star, or Strength??? Even the Fool is a beautiful female in my Shadowscapes deck. Why can't she be my personality and soul card!??

It’s not that I don't like the Emperor card, I just did not understand how it pertained to me personally; my personality, my soul, my inner and outer life.

I used to be tempted to just not further reduce the final number my birthdate adds up to (2002) and just cut out the zeros. If I really AM the Emperor... Why can't I? Lol!

But there it is, isn't it. So, I just started doing some research on the Emperor.

Lately, I’ve been dealing with some issues in my life that have me spinning emotionally and mentally. And, not too long ago, when I read this post:
on Kim Huggens' blog, the Emperor FINALLY “clicked” into place for me!

Looking at this Emperor (Shadowscapes), although he is different from the illustration Kim depicts in her blog, I see many of the same attributes. He is a younger Emperor, but definitely not a child or adolescent, or even a young adult. He is a man. He looks stern, but kind and discerning...perceptive and focused. He is most definitely grounded in his power and authority; he knows who and where he is.

One of the things that used to bother me a bit about this card is the lack of a beard. Isn't a beard suppose to symbolize wisdom? So why did SPML illustrate/create her Emperor without one? So, I thought about it...

Maybe being clean shaven symbolizes refinement, and commitment (seriously, how many men take the time to shave everyday anymore? I'm not saying I don't like facial hair, just that it takes time and that it must take a certain amount of discipline to do it everyday), professionalism, and pride. It also reminds me of a clean shaven member of the military, and I think it most definitely applies to this point Kim makes in her article: "To know where and how one’s responsibilities lie and be able to make one’s own decisions based on a carefully understood code of conduct – not necessarily one that you have been taught by others, but one you have actively chosen to adhere to."

But as to the question in the prompt... Am I leading by example in my life?

I'd like to think so, especially where my sons are concerned and as far as my attitude about life goes, and as far as my business goes.

But there's definitely always more I could be doing, improvements that can be made, and rough edges that could be refined in my life.

And the more I learn about myself, the more I feel more comfortable about being "rooted in my power" (please please read Kim's blog article above), and how to go about accomplishing that. For me, leading by example and being rooted in my power is NOT an obtrusive or ostentatious thing. Sometimes going quietly about life with a positive attitude, subtly making a point, and being consistent makes more of an impact, and is a more effective example, than being loud and domineering.


Great insight Aivli! I love your take on the emperor. He is not one of my favorites either, in any deck, and I am hoping my journaling will bring me some insight too :)


Friday Journaling Exercise

FRIDEAY: THE CHARIOT: are your goals in alignment with your visions or are they fighting against each other?
Meditate and just be with the chariot card from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.


Mythical Goddess Tarot - the fool = Uzume

TUESDAY's exercise:
Journal your ideal dream life. What road are you on to obtain those dreams?
Meditate and just be with the fool card from your deck, when you are able, journal how you feel about the above question.

My Fool card is the Japanese Goddess Uzume. Bare breasted and otherwise dressed in green she dances in hysterical delight upon a drum, hair flying ever which way, swinging branches high over her head. She wants to lure Amaterasu Omi Kami = the Sun = Japanese Sun Goddess out of her cave of depression , so there will be another spring and green things can grow.
Eventually she succeeds and it will be warm and another year's cycle will commence.
So: journalling about my life's dreams: That is a tall order. It will sound sooooo very superficial and cliche, to say, that during the last 10 years most of my life's dreams have actually come true. I am a very successful and recognized artist.
I live and work as a shaman here in and with the community and that also is well known and respected. I am asked to do regular rituals in the surrounding communities and teach at festivals, Pow Wows and other events.
I have LOTS of shamanic clients and patients
Some of them are VERY rich, spoil me and even give me very fancy gifts – like Crystal Singing Bowls, Bear Furs, and vacation trips to Nepal.... (yes, it's true, there are AT-ers here, who come over to my house and know, have seen and participated in … whatever crazzzzzy stuff is going on every given minute.. )
Then there are my Tarot clients......
And never mind Bearpaw Jewellery, our business creating Sterling silver handcrafted pieces with a wildlife and shamanistic themes....
Yes, and there you have it:
There are days I am dancing just as crazzzzy as Uzume on this card here, just to keep up with it all...
All these things are busy busy busy and there are only 24 hours in the day.
In the summer I often do not even have time to meditate... :(
We are getting older and I want to slow down.
We have everything we need to “retire”and live a good life.
So now my dream is to – have more TIME!!!!!
For myself and for my husband......
So: “Uzume!! Honey, it is fall! (the fall of my life)
You can stop dancing now!
Before you – fall!!”


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Happy long weekend everyone!! Journaling to resume on Tuesday. We will skip the group spread this week.


I feel so guilty!!!! LOL I fling myself on your mercy. I have been a horrible group person and i have a confession. I have discovered Lenormand and I feel I have gotten a wee bit obsessed. I will catch up this week I promise!!! I hope you all have a good weekend!!!!


I have been doing daily advice spreads like last Sunday and haven't posted them in the group spread thread.... :/


Mythical Goddesses: The suit of Sea = Emotions:

My card by card look at the suit of Sea:
The Ace I like. It is half mandala, half woman. My shaman-sense immediately focuses in on the 2 Critters: A tiny green Sea Turtle, almost getting lost in the wavy hair of the Goddess – and still- to me symbolizing Mother Earth the Turtle , home to us all and floating through the vast Universe.... And the orangey Sea horse. Floating, as if listening -or being in attentive conversation with the goddess.
To me Sea Horses are always a reminder of reverse gender roles – and strangely enough also for all my friends in the LGBQ community.

Sea 2 in comparison I find rather undefined and “lame”. Sure 2 “Love Dolphins”, But why are there purple sea anemones floating? They pull the image towards the realm of tacky....

In card Sea 3 = Compassion, we have 3 ? baby? Dragons. Sure they are cute and maybe the mighty sword wielding Dragon slayers of patriarchal lore will have compassion and let them live. I however feel, that a stronger image would have done the deck as a whole a ton of good. This is one of the “cutesy cards", that relegate the deck into the Category of “gentle decks” and therefore – for me as un-usable with clients. I like things a little more towards the “be realistic and serious” side of things, especially because all my clients are dealing with rather serious issues...

Sea 4 is called Desire and shows a woman holding a pearl that goes with the 3 she already has on her necklace. The Full Moon behind her illuminates the open sea and with it the vast realm of all the things she wishes for. But: Does she NEED them?

In Sea 5 = Cleansing I feel I am “out-cutesied” 5 cute little Froggies are holding hand while forming a :circle of friends on a lili pad with a 5 petalled flower in the middle.
cleansing is highly emotional and cathartic – or it has not worked!!!! I feel, this is the deck's weakest card and .......
I better stop....

Sea 6 = Pleasure shows us a Mermaid sitting on what is supposed to be a Rose quartz Crystal in the middle of the open water but surrounded by red Flowers!?
Her arms are spread wide and a pink heart pulsates in the middle of her chest.
Is that Pleasure? To me pleasure, sexual and otherwise always includes other Beings. Critters, my lover, my friends, maybe a good book. Sure to be all alone – at times can be pleasure as well....
But to me, pleasure is for sharing!

Sea 7 = Denial:
A swamp – much like a boreal bog up here in Canada. At night. A faint waxing Moon illuminates the Spruce and Tamarack Trees that stand in the water. In the middle of the scene a boat – much like the spirit boats of Native American, Siberian and Finnish rock carvings.... A woman with a simple white dress (nightgown) laying dreaming open eyed in the boat. She is surrounded by a large number of purple Snakes, that flick their red tongues at her. She does not seem to mind.
Denial. I would not mind the snakes either. Not due to denial, but because I like Snakes. Snake is the Guide of the Shaman, teaches of trance and transformation. To me this is a beautiful scene, speaking of a trance journey, of the Wisdom of the Snakes – healing wisdom and of listening to their voices while floating in a Spirit Boat.

Sea 8 = Depletion, for me is a difficult card, as it shows 8 Wales, beached and dead on the dried out beach with no water in sight.
A dire warning to get out act together – as a person and as a species.

But in Card Sea 9 all is well again and the horror forgotten. We are back in “Cutesy Land” and a naked woman rides in wanton abandon on a jumping Dolphin, its dorsal fin touching her solar plexus. The card is called “Joy” and here are also other Dolphins frolicking nearby, which is comforting.

Sea 10 is called Purity and shows yet another Mermaid floating through the watery element. She is holding a Starfish blanket and seems to be dreaming or meditating on the crystal power in her hand.
I hope her dreams and visions are good ones and will come true – for me and for you.

Sea Child = Innocence: There is surf – high waves... A Cowry shell is tossed about. Inside it a blond? child/ woman is sleeping. The Cowry shell in many traditional People,s belief is the symbol for the female genitalia that grab the male’s attention and appendage and then give birth to new life.

In Sea Maiden = Passion the Female is all grown out of her shell and the passionate life force flows freely from the well of her heart. She holds a delicate Star Flower as if to say , that all passion has to have some tenderness and restraint.

The Card Sea Mother = Perception I have dubbed “Mama Poseidon, because she has the wild hair and holds a trident. She also carefully cradles a purple shell that contains the dark blue fluid of her hard earned experiences and her wisdom.

In Card Sea Crone= Resurrection we see a grizzled Elder with wild white “Sea Serpent hair” cowering at the bottom of ? the sea? Or is she on land with the Moon behind her?. Much else is behind her - a whole lifetime of emotions. It is carved deep grooves into her face and has aged her body. Now she is tiered, holding on to her beloved Guardian, a violet Sea Serpent that is slung around her arm and her breast.
Is she ready to be re-absorbed into the primordial waters of creation - in order to be re-born in that Cowry shell tossed about in the waves?


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Legacy of the Divine - The Chariot

Are my goals in alignment with my visions are they fighting against eachother?

A dark-blue robed female leads a golden winged chariot through the ocean spray. Her hair is flying behind her. The moon shines above her head and through a crystalled staff in her hand and illuminating the path before her. Two horses lead her chariot. One brown, one white. A yingyang hangs on the front of the chariot-symbolizing the perfect balance of her energy-ambition and goals.

She has a goal. Have focus to concentrate on what we see in our visions so we can obtain them. It is hard somtimes to have all of the perseverance we need to focus on the goal. The charioteer controls the polar opposites of the positive horse and negative horses to achieve her goal. It is hard sometimes when you encounter negative energy, you wish to give up and stray from the illuminated path. Perseverance is key. You must keep carrying forward as the charioteer does with focus. This reminds me that maybe the 9 of Wands in this deck precedes the victorious charioteer. The 9 of Wands is one of my favorite cards from the Legacy of the Divine.

In the 9 of Wands a man resembling a Roman charioteer or maybe an Egyptian warrior kneels on barren ground burned dry from the scorching setting sun. He has his head bowed as if in silent thankful prayer or in thankful exhaustion. His round golden sheild lays on the ground beside him. Before him he holds up on red crystalled staff. 8 white crystalled staves stand upright in the scorched ground behind him. A new moon is rising with the sun setting above him. He has come this far and will continue on, persevering and staying focused on his goal.