Deck of the Week : Sign-Up Thread : Week 70 : December 1st - December 8th


I can relate to what you are saying, but I don't have anything worthwhile to contribute really. The "New Age" and I had a falling out many years ago, and we've never made up.

Well at least it's nice to know I have company! :D


I called it correctly: so far, I've only used one deck this week. As part of my campaign to teach myself to see the good in digital tarot art, it's been the Legacy of the Divine. It was jumping off a cliff for me to buy that deck after my gross dislike of the Gilded (the only tarot deck I've ever removed from my collection). But the art here is much improved and much more evocative than that first effort.

It's also teaching me that digital art has some advantages over non. For instance, it can have a much more cinematic scope and feel. Some of these scenes, like the Knights' masks, look like they could be on on a large Hollywood movie screen.

Ahh...thank you for that :) ...No, I don't do Facebook. I'm old...and I hate the way the younger people I work with are obsessed by it. Does one really need to know what one's "friends" are doing every second of the day? Apparently for many people the answer is yes. I'm too private of a person for that. I just got my first "smart phone" this summer against my will. :D Then I was able to use it to bid (and win) on a tarot deck I wanted on Ebay during my vacation, so now I've had a change of heart...I would hit the "like" button.

I could have written this post. Although I'm not an extreme early-adopter of technology, I am by no means a Luddite, either; I use lots of sites and gadgets that improve my life. But Facebook and other social media strike at the core of my intensely private nature and send me running in the other direction. Know what my friends are doing and thinking and have them know what I'm doing and thinking? Perish the thought.

And yes, people's obsession with it is both obnoxious and disturbing. I look at them an wonder if we're the same species. I think introverts probably think that a lot about extroverts, and it seems many people channel their extroversion into social media sites (as opposed to introverts, who post regularly on forums :grin: ).

I'm working with the Celestial Tarot this week. The Spiral Tarot is one of my favorite decks for readings so I'm curious to see how Kay Steventon's other deck will work for me. Of course, astrology is not a strong point of mine so maybe it won't click at all. Off to work with it a bit more. All I have done so far is shuffle it and look at the cards.

I used this deck in November and was surprised by how much I wanted to keep using it afterward. The week I was using the Wild Unknown, I kept thinking, "I'll just do a one-card draw with the Celestial..." I'm going to pick it up again soon.

With the Napo, I am loving the cards but having a little problem with the minor arcana keywords. The keywords have been more a distraction than a help initially but the more I use them the less it seems to matter. The cards are expressive, colorful, seemingly happy yet reflective all at the same time. I am definitely glad I got them and there is more to them then I was expecting.

Keywords are always a thorny issue for me, but I've found a way to like them--they work well for times I want a clear, oracular voice "speaking" to me on subjects about which I'd like some powerful advice or reassurance.

My problem with the Napo is that it's one of those RWS-heavies i.e. suffers from a lack of imagination. I've only used it once, I think.

I don't know what it is with me lately, maybe I'm just getting old and cynical... :p
I seem to have a hard time with decks/books (like the oracle I'm currently using - Crystal Deva Cards) that have a lot of New Age, "channeled" information in them.

This has been my problem this year as I ventured into the world of oracle decks for the first time. The vast majority of them--except for the ones based on gods/goddesses/mythology--are based on things that just popped into their authors' heads. Like the numerous fairy//fey oracles wherein the author says they were visited by each fairy pictured on the cards and told by the fairy what the fairy's name was...not for me.

It made me almost give up on oracles.


based on things that just popped into their authors' heads.
That's it in a nutshell Chiriku. I won't argue whether the creator did or didn't receive some sort of information, but how is it relevant to the rest of us? Base it on myth, base it on physical composition (such as stones), base it on behavior (such as with animals), base it on philosophy or religion, but for goodness sakes, ground it in something the rest of us can get our heads around.

strings of life

My all-time favorite heirophant is from the original Steampunk Tarot (Drengsden). She uses Einstein, instead of the traditional christian pope or other authority figure. I'm not religious. I never have been. I have never been able to connect to the heirophant at all, except as a stifling authoritarian. Very one-sided view of him.

When I saw the Einstein card, I was immediately struck with an "AHA!" moment. The knowledge, wisdom, curiousity, teacher, associations with my math/science teacher dad ... it all clicked really strongly. One of my greatest tarot moments of all time. I traded away that deck and I still wonder if I should get one again, if only for that heirophant.
This is one of my favorite Heirophants as well.

Out of all of the Steampunk themed decks, this is my favorite. Plus, it's a very personal deck to me since I trimmed it, rounded the corners and antiqued it.


I called it correctly: so far, I've only used one deck this week. As part of my campaign to teach myself to see the good in digital tarot art, it's been the Legacy of the Divine. It was jumping off a cliff for me to buy that deck after my gross dislike of the Gilded (the only tarot deck I've ever removed from my collection). But the art here is much improved and much more evocative than that first effort.

Keywords are always a thorny issue for me, but I've found a way to like them--they work well for times I want a clear, oracular voice "speaking" to me on subjects about which I'd like some powerful advice or reassurance.

My problem with the Napo is that it's one of those RWS-heavies i.e. suffers from a lack of imagination. I've only used it once, I think.


I have not quite made it to the point where I can try any of Ciro's decks yet, so will be interested in how you feel about it at the end of the week.

I don't really have the same issues with RWS heavy decks that you do. After a very long tarot break which ended this year, I still feel like I am feeling it all out since there are a lot more options available. Despite liking a lot of decks, the ones I have been the comfortable with have been the Anna K and Tarot of the Dead. Next year I plan to try some Marseille decks in earnest.


Simply Deep for me is kind of meh. It's not horrid, but it also doesn't grab my heart or soul, either. Not sure what doesn't grab me. Partly the border colors, which might sound strange, but there is something about the borders that bothers me.

I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised by the Anne Stokes Gothic and/or the Alchemy deck, but I have a lurking feeling they will also not make it to the 'more, later' list. But, that's why I keep up with the deck of the week - to find out these things. :D


Hi gang,

I'm going to be traveling tomorrow through the end of next week. I have a brand new ipad, so hopefully I can get on every now and then to post my draws. I am bringing my Golden Tarot (Kat Black) and my trimmed Wildwood, which I consider a non-tarot oracle because I've trimmed it and can't figure out for the life of me which card represents what!!! LOL

ETA: My favorite part of the Wildwood are the cards with no humans on them, so as an experiment, I removed all the humans. That left 39 cards, if I counted correctly. I added my six favorites back in, giving me an oracle of 45 cards. That's what I'm bringing with me, leaving all those problematic people (I find his nature/animal art MUCH better than his people) behind.

So, I truly do have one tarot and one non-tarot with me. :)


ETA: My favorite part of the Wildwood are the cards with no humans on them, so as an experiment, I removed all the humans. That left 39 cards, if I counted correctly. I added my six favorites back in, giving me an oracle of 45 cards. That's what I'm bringing with me, leaving all those problematic people (I find his nature/animal art MUCH better than his people) behind.

So, I truly do have one tarot and one non-tarot with me. :)

What a fabulous idea !


Universal Fantasy...where have you been all my life ?! :heart:

I had no idea that I would be taken by this deck so. Which is really stupid of me because I have always been a big fantasy/sci-fi fan in art and literature, so of course I would like this deck. Well, actually I adore it. And it sticks to RWS meanings so I can read it half-way decently. :rolleyes: For once, I am not looking forward to changing decks on saturday...maybe I will go another week with this one.