Do you always carry a deck with you?


I don't. It is a weight issue as much as anything, I try and keep my bag light so my shoulder doesn't start to hurt.


Whenever I go out with a bag I have my deck with me. If the need strikes I can pull a card or do a reading for friends.


Yes. I pretty much always carry a purse so have one with me. I have a couple mini decks and I'll carry one of those. I never take a not easily replaced deck out with me.

I carry one because sometimes I like to look at cards during my lunch break at work, and if I'm meeting up with a close friend I often pull a few cards for them.

(My purse must haves are pretty much wallet, keys, phone, crystals, tarot, nail file & lip gloss.)


Always have one with me.

And on the raRe occasion that I don't have a physical deck with me in my purse, I will use one of the dozen tarot apps on my phone.


Occasionally when I'm particularly in need of an answer but can't quite form the right question. So I strike while the irons hot if the question presents itself!

I carry the Vanessa because it's small and in a tin.

When the sky is cloudy you come along with your pretty little song


Yes, I nearly always carry a deck with me. Often it's the one which is on my work desk anyway.

It's such a nice feeling to have a deck with me at all times... just like my Kindle is never out of reach.

I do have apps on my phone but somehow it's not the same for me.

Butterfly Moon

Yes, I pretty much always have a deck with me. I carry them around the house with me and I occasionally have to find them and gather them all back to where they belong. I used to take different ones out of the house with me, but now I usually only take the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot in a tin. I love having Tarot in a Tin! I can take it anywhere so if I have a question I want to ask or feel like practicing at any time I can without it getting all chewed up looking. I keep my decks on hand so much because I feel like I still have a lot to learn in Tarot. This way any time I want to practice I can.


If you have a chance to carry a deck with you, why would you choose not to?


I often carry my Wild Unknown with me but I stopped because of the amount of space it took up in my bag. I am really hoping that a mini version of the deck comes out because I haven't connected to any mini decks that I've seen.

ana luisa

If you have a chance to carry a deck with you, why would you choose not to?

Depending on where you are, many reasons. As I mentioned before, people get stolen all day long here . Decks can be damaged (and I can't $ to replace them). People look at you sideways when realizing you're opening a spread (still seen as taboo/hocus pocus/witch stuff).
Sadly, despite all those reasons, I would LOVE to be able to carry one...