Do you have a particular card that represents you?

Marcus R

I am the king of swords or the fool. All my decks seem to think I am usually the fool, so who am I to argue.
My favourite card is the Star. It's my astrological card. The family crest has stars upon it and the motto is "While I live, I hope". Sums me up pretty well (particularly at the moment with not much work). Discovering Tarot and the Stars meaning when starting out was a real spinout.


The Emperor is my birth card, and when it comes up in a reading for myself, it usually relates to me and not to another person or situation. Plus it makes me feel warm and safe. : )

I'm drawn to the Daughter of Wands card in the Wild Unknown tarot, and it often seems to represent me. Odd, as I have no particular affinity for snakes and don't usually feel a deep connection to the wands suit.

The swords suit, I adore! My favorite is probably the 3 of Swords. Also very much like the Ace, 2, 4, 6, and 10.

The Star is my special card.


The card that is mine is definitely the Hermit. It just embodies me entirely, both in its positive and negative connotations. This card makes or breaks a deck for me in all honesty.


Mine is the Knight of Cups in Waite-style decks, or his equivalent the King/Prince of Cups in others. I'm an artistic and romantic dreamer, and I always love seeing how the dashing, dreaming man with his offered cup is represented.

It has changed. In the past, it was the Ace of Swords, but since I've embraced the more honest parts of my personality, it's led away from that.

The second card is The Magician: the artistic performer, the mystical enchanter, the one shrouded in mystery whose character you can never quite pin down and makes people uneasy yet fascinated. Someone once described me this way I instantly recognized the Magician.


i love reading everyone's responses ~ :)

for me, i have two: i've always identified with the queen of wands, she is my kind of lady! and i am a self-employed metalsmith by trade, so whenever the eight of pentacles come up, i can't help but see myself - "oh, that's me!"

as far as other favorites, i really love the moon, and death. but individual cards never make or break a deck for me; there are cards that i like and dislike in certain decks, but i think that's a part of that particular artists' vision, and that makes me want to work through it.


Always have had. They change, but they change slowly, or as your life changes...When I move on, it will gradually change. :)


What hasn't changed yet - is seeing myself as the Page of Pentacles. And I'm always striving to be the Queen of Wands.

Presently - I like The Star and The Devil.
And I'm drawn by the 7 of Pentacles (cycles - sometimes in 7s. And the magic of no.7 ;) ).


The Hermit was my first "me" card. He struck me very deeply when I first began my Tarot journey. He was exactly me at the time. I still check him out in any new deck rather quickly, often before buying a deck even. I have no doubt he will always be close at heart.

Now days, and for quite awhile now, it's the Devil and Death cards. They represent things in me and in my life that have been critical for me to address, deal with, work through, cope, heal from, allow and accept. Because of that deep emotional tie their artwork is very, very important for me in decks.

The Ace of Swords. I'm all about breaking through the BS.

The Star is another...hopeful...ever hopeful.


In terms of pensonality cards, the Wheel of Fortune... I am indeed one lucky person in life, because even though the wheel always turns, it always stops on the positive side :D

The Queen of Wands, which is who my deck personally identifies me as, I believe is in direct relation to my favourite card (which is not a personality card), the Magician :) I love the Magician as a card because it denotes the presence of raw potential in a person, of the ability to harness everything possible, of shrewdness, of an active/creative mind and bright ideas.


The Queen of Cups most represents me as a person and Lovers is my birth card. I really love the Sun card as a fave, optimism and light :)


it's really interesting how everyone sees themselves reflected, the good and not so good.
When I spent seven years working full-time in a toxic environment doing anti-community things for my living, the Nine Swords was my card.
That does sound like a nightmare.
Fool and Emperor represent my husband.
Sorry, that really made me giggle!

I think i remember a long time ago my birth and personality cards both had the empress, but that is SO not me at all.
The elemental tarot 4 of cups/water has had my attention lately, so I guess I'm not moving past it anytime soon.