Frankendecken; Instructions & General discussion


zan_chan said:
Yep thats right! Frankie has landed! What a gorgeous bag! I want one! :)
<notices Haindl sulking in a dark corner>


I paused at a little shrine up the block so Frankie could get in touch with his inner Shintoist.


A thousand apologies. Been drowning in work for the past 3 weeks. As such, I have trouble keeping up with posting my journal. I'll try to post everything by today so that poor Frankie doesn't get too confused going back and forth Singapore and Japan. Sorry about getting the order of the journal messed up :p


You'e doing fine :) We all gathered from your entries that your life is pretty hectic to say the very least!!

I'm doing OK with taking it over to Frankie's Big Posh Book. First of all I copy all of the pics into a folder, then I copy the posts but although I keep them as individual dated entries, I take them out of the boxes so that each entry finishes up as a normal paragraph of text. Then I insert each photograph into the text where the things shown in the images are mentioned. So even if you're wildly out of order with entries and pics, I get it all straightened out in the book :)

This weekend I start on putting Zan's stuff in it, and also any more of yours :)

It's looking good!!

A query about page sizes. A4 seems a bit big for a book. A5 means the piccies either have to be fairly small, or we have about a 1000 pages (I'm not kidding - at A5 I'm already up to 250 pages (although of course I would print double sided which takes it down to 125).

I thought about B3 as half way between A5 and A4 but the paper might not be easy to get hold of.

Ideas please?


I just caught up with nicole's last posts and zan's first ones. :) If nothing else Frankie is getting a world tour of food! I wonder if realizes that Canada actually has no national food unless you count poutine and scalloped potatoes served with maple syrup (yuck) neither of which I can stand. ooooh, Beaver Tails, I can show him Beaver Tails. My nieces introduced me to this dubious treat.


Alta said:
I just caught up with nicole's last posts and zan's first ones. :) If nothing else Frankie is getting a world tour of food! I wonder if realizes that Canada actually has no national food unless you count poutine and scalloped potatoes served with maple syrup (yuck) neither of which I can stand. ooooh, Beaver Tails, I can show him Beaver Tails. My nieces introduced me to this dubious treat.
I'm not a "member" of this thread, but I've been"Beaver tails" better than that mushroom soup???? Just askin'....If I were Frankie I'd like to see the GREAT country outdoors-ness that is my WEE mind...


Stormdancer said:"Beaver tails" better than that mushroom soup???? Just askin'....If I were Frankie I'd like to see the GREAT country outdoors-ness that is my WEE mind...
No, the mushroom soup was definitely better. :) Beaver tails are long pieces of deep fried pastry, the size and shape of a beaver tail. Then assorted toppings are offered, both sweet and savoury, and they are consumed standing on your skates on the ice of the Rideau Canal in the freezing cold. Really. Well, okay, they sell them year round but in my view the only reasonable time to eat them is when it is blistering cold enough to shut down part of your common sense.


Alta said:
No, the mushroom soup was definitely better. :) Beaver tails are long pieces of deep fried pastry, the size and shape of a beaver tail. Then assorted toppings are offered, both sweet and savoury, and they are consumed standing on your skates on the ice of the Rideau Canal in the freezing cold. Really. Well, okay, they sell them year round but in my view the only reasonable time to eat them is when it is blistering cold enough to shut down part of your common sense.

Perfect!! I bet Frankie would LOVE Beaver Tail & Ice skating!!!!


Don't encourage him! He's bad enough as it is :D


The ultimate in Frankenspawn!

This young chap arrived in the post yesterday.
A miraculous gift from someone who can make them (with a little help from Himself who knows how to make a printer do what he wants!)

He's perfect, All his cards in their proper sizes, as difficult to shuffle as Frankie himself...
All with their proper backs.

And he reads as well as Frankie does.

Rather fancies a bacon and egg sandwich, he says (you can tell he was born and brought up in Britain. He'll be asking for the 'Full English' next!), but I told him he would have to wait.

Thank you!
I love him :)


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