help for a backsliding de-enabler! (mini LS decks)


cardlady22 said:
I'm exquisitely pleased to report that YES, it does work that way! I am not having any more Mini urges.
You were talking about giving them pairs? Well, as soon as the Deviant Moon arrived (most popular deck of the year, argh, I cannot *believe* I did something so crass as buying the most popular deck of the year!) it naturally paired off with my Hieronymous Bosch deck. But there's been a divorce. My Bosch tired of playing with someone so young that all they had to offer was a smooth complexion and no conversation, and a slightly precocious, freaky daughter of a friend of mine was in need (the Osho Zen wasn't doing it for her at all), so I gave it away. The Bosch is trying to hide just how relieved she feels at sinking back into an untroubled single life again, while the Deviant Moon is taking his Terror Tactics out on the scariest kid in the world. Heh, heh, heh. I *know* this kid. The girl will win. The deck will be tamed until it comes to heel and walks close by and doesn't bark at the neighbours any more.


cardlady22 said:
I'm exquisitely pleased to report that YES, it does work that way! I am not having any more Mini urges.

Strike that! Just send me the whole damn set! That's where I'm headed anyway, right? No, the rest would be redundant . . . except for these 4.

Next pair is the Manga and the Dragons (by LS, of course!)

The Egyptian and those White Cats are calling too! Must be the effect of viewing all those BBC (MRP) deck posts . . . and stumbling across the thread that said no new minis scheduled for 2009


I got my mini decks today! These are definitely better as a curiosity-size. I think full-size would have been a bit too much for me.

In the Dragons, I love these cards:
Hermit- dragon perusing his hoard
9 of Chalices- monk & dragon having a chat by a waterfall/pool
King of Pentacles
Infant of Wands- dinosaur watches over a sleeping child
Knight of Wands- an older child rides a dinosaur

These gave me quite a jolt:
Lovers- man bathes/paints himself in dragon blood
7 of Chalices- a leering white dragon watches a man force a woman to the ground

In the Manga, I love these cards:
Justice- blindfolded man stops a sword w/ his hands
Hanged Woman- suspended/balanced in a waterfall
8 of Chalices- warrior heads off into the forest
9 of Pentacles- man holds grapes and a hooded bird of prey while the coins whip out in a wind
Princess of Wands- warrior woman riding a tiger
6 of Swords- woman watches her man throwing swords into the water

These gave me a strong, but not necessarily bad, reaction:
3 of Swords- a man sobs in the rain
10 of Swords- a woman turns away from a vision of herself pierced with swords


I'm waiting on a mini Manara-Erotic, the first ever erotic deck I'll own (although I have another deck with a lot of nudity).

There's also the Lo Scarabeo gold-stamped Visconti to flesh out my burgeoning collection of Viscontis (the Mini of the same, plus the Cary-Yale) and the Golden Botticelli, all from a shocking enabler whom I believe lurks here <grin>, plus the Lebanese Majors-only deck is winging its way to me, along with a half-hour sand-timer, or hourglass or whatever you want to call it - an elegant readings-measurer for when I'm in a venue with customers booked who will not want me running late. There's something a bit uncool about a loud kitchen-timer.

I had extra money, you see <shrug> What's a girl to do? I could have gone out and gotten drunk, but it wouldn't have been any fun - this *definitely* is fun.


Darling nisaba! You always bring the best laughs to my heart!

Someone really needs to design a cool timer that lets you record your own sound or snippet of music . . . I'd really like to see it display a holographic/prismatic image during the "alarm" ~ too bad it couldn't/wouldn't project in 3-D!

In my family, we are quite proud of the fact that we can see exactly where all our $$ went! (and enjoy the ill-gotten fruits again and again!)


I got my White Cats but it looks like the Egyptian is going to have to be a regular-size so I can get the book.

ETA: exceptionally cute cards
Fool- a dog
Wheel- mice running around as Felina Fortuna turns it
Sun- kitty on a rocking horse


nisaba said:
There's also the Lo Scarabeo gold-stamped Visconti to flesh out my burgeoning collection of Viscontis (the Mini of the same, plus the Cary-Yale)
I just noticed today that the Queen of Cups in the gold Visconti appears to have 666 written on her bosom in letters of gold. It's just the way the stamping works, but it was funny the first time it caught my eye.

I like minis myself, and have four different TdMs and the Visconti. And dandy leather cases that I found on sale that fit them just right.


I really need to snag some Minis. I have a Rider and a Visconti.

Not sure who I will get next. My list includes:
Secret keeps popping on and off the list.

And I said I was going to stop for awhile. :(


I'm smugly awaiting a new pair! The Tarot of the New Vision and the Universal Tarot will be a double-deck set for me to play with the front & back views. Awesome since I can't stand seeing a card turned upside down . . .