One Deck Wonder


Pook said:
Drew the Hierophant today from my made me curious to see just how many other 'pupils' there are on this little sojourn of ours.

...made a list for inspiration (If i missed anyone, sorry...and if i dont have a deck listed for you, thats because it wasnt clear to me which you were using)....

LittleBuddha~Victorian Romantic
Connegrl~Ancient Italian
Spoonbender~Dusserre Dodoal TdM
Pipistrelle~International Icon
Acacia~International Icon
Lunakasha~Victorian Romantic
CocoBird55~Victorian Romantic
Valeria~International Icon
Emily~Victorian Romantic
A_shikhs~Victorian Romantic
Lutenist~Royal Fez
Astrae~Victorian Romantic
Frelkins~Krause Majors
EarthAngel2911~Universal Fantasy
MadameFinestra~Tarot of the Old Path
ShadowDancer~Osho Zen
and Me(Pook)~Victorian Romantic

Sorry to mess up your hard work, I should have posted yesterday, but I have decided to go with the International Icon for the six months. I ordered it yesterday and will have it soon.



Ok, very short update. I belong to another list that's currently studying the Universal Fantasy, so I'm glad I get to participate there as well. We just went through the Aces, and I've found that when I actually take time looking at and listening to a card, I discover things I would normally not have taken the time to find out! Yay! Already I'm having positive results! :)

Although I have to say, I do so wish I could do two decks! I also REALLY wanted to use the Victorian Romantic; it would be a wonderful partner. And I liked the fact that so many of you are using that deck as well. But, I thought this deck would be a little more challenging for me as I seem to have a bit of a block with the fantasy art. (What are those creatures in the Five of Wands anyway??) Plus, I've been using this deck for my daily draws this last month, and it's been giving me great readings!

Ok, on to my daily draw! :D

Madame Squee

Day 3 Update:

The Tarot of the Old Path gave me very clear readings this morning, and I really enjoyed seeing the court cards, which I usually don't. In fact, my 3-card reading for the day (Morning-Noon-Night) was the King of Rods, Knight of Pentacles and Page of Cauldrons. Normally, I would just reshuffle and try again, but this time I watched and waited for them to speak. Nothing much happened, so I drew 3 more cards and placed them below the original court cards. This seemed to amplify the personalities and tell me what they want to do. So, I laid out 3 more cards above the courts, which told me why they want to do it. It was an interesting exercise. I think I'm on the verge of creating a 9-card spread.


Okay, that's all very well and good, but I have to tell you: doubt is creeping in around the edges, and I've got the shakes bad...

Did I choose the right deck to spend six months with after all? Maybe I'd do better with another one? I didn't even think about the Cosmic Tarot. Now, that's an interesting deck!!! Maybe I should have at least looked at it... asked it a few questions... I wonder if I should switch and start over??? It's only day 3 after all...

Someone, help me!!!



Hi MadameFinestra,

I loved my time with the Old Path when I did this study last time, I did just over 5 months. I did ask it though before I started because I wasn't sure whether it would hold my attention for such a long time.

It was pretty simple - I just asked what would I get out of the study if it partnered me. I got the Hermit and as I was the only one studying the Old Path it was a solitary study but it was so worth it. Its a deck that is still around me, I tried to use it at least a few times a week, before this study, but I did eventually move on.

Try getting other decks out you want to use and do a few questions - Are we suited for this study? or What will I learn from you?

For this study I asked the Deva Tarot and the Via - both decks in the running but after getting the cards I did - Tower off one and the Sword 3 off the other.

I decided to use the Victorian Romantic, after asking it, and so far its been really interesting. I do my dailies and its matching my moods and I can see where the card given will fit into my day. :)


Day 3--Victorian Romantic

Last night I spent some time getting familiar with the Queens.

I laid them all out in front of me and spent some time just looking....comparing and contrasting them, paying attention to the facial expressions, the colors, the scenery behind each Queen.

Then I made a list in my journal, as an exercise to get to know each of them, I made a list of different personality types, whatever came to mind without overthinking too much. Some examples would be:

The Caretaker
The Best Friend
The Little Sister
The Diva
The Confidante
The Planner
The Creative Hostess
The Leader
The Girly-Girl
The Mentor

I can't remember all of them right now....but anyway, after completing the list I took another look at my Queens and assigned the one that best fit each category....just for fun, and to help me get comfortable with each of them.

I was thinking of trying the same type of activity with the rest of the courts, since this is something I continue to struggle with. I am hoping that if I get more familiar with them as actual people and personalities, they will make more sense when they appear in a reading.

:) Luna


Did my daily draw this morning. I've been puzzling over my tax return, which just doesn't seem right. I drew the Hierophant. This afternoon I made an appointment with an accountant to do my taxes...


MadameFinestra said:
Did I choose the right deck to spend six months with after all? Maybe I'd do better with another one? I didn't even think about the Cosmic Tarot. Now, that's an interesting deck!!! Maybe I should have at least looked at it... asked it a few questions... I wonder if I should switch and start over??? It's only day 3 after all...

Someone, help me!!!

Stick to your Old Path for a month, then make your decision concerning the remaining five months. It's not good to break a commitment just because you feel weak. Wrap the other decks in silk, put them in an airtight box, seal the box with 3 rolls of duct tape, bury it ten foot deep and pile rocks on the top. When the time is ripe, you can always dig them up.

Little Baron

MadameFinestra said:
Okay, that's all very well and good, but I have to tell you: doubt is creeping in around the edges, and I've got the shakes bad...

Did I choose the right deck to spend six months with after all? Maybe I'd do better with another one? I didn't even think about the Cosmic Tarot. Now, that's an interesting deck!!! Maybe I should have at least looked at it... asked it a few questions... I wonder if I should switch and start over??? It's only day 3 after all...

Someone, help me!!!


Now, now, my lady! This is good. This is the kind of feelings we want to learn to overcome. If it was easy, there would be no point doing this experiment.

I have had a few feelings. About the Voodoo last night, after seeing Solataire post a thread on it - I was thinking how original it would be to use that one instead, how different an experience it would be. And then in Moonbow's pip thread, I thought about the lines in the Adrian. I am still thinking about how nice it would be to interpret them and the colours.

But then ...

I remember the stories waiting to be arroused in the Victorian Romantic. If I ducked out now it would be like missing an episode of a tv series and not finding out who done it. It would be like arranging to meet a friend and not showing up. I am just starting to get to know them. It would be such a shame to say hello and never get to the point of having real conversations.

Last night I went to Borders - *gasp*

I always go to the third floor and look at the tarot. But as I walked in, I thought 'I don't need to'. What would I find that is not in my Victorian Romantic? And I knew that for now, there was nothing I needed.

So I stayed on the ground floor for a bit and looked at the fashion magazines.

And then I took the escalator to the second floor, browsed the art section and bought a big hardback book of street Graffiti.

And then left.



I agree - once we've made the choice of deck, I think we should stick with it and try not to second-guess ourselves (easier said than done, of course). I think one would benefit from this exercise with just about any deck anyway.

Oh and Lunakasha, I like your court cards exercise - I should give that one a try sometime. :)



I got my Ancient Tarot of Bologna on Monday, and to make up for some recent tarot-buying madness, I'm going to put away my other decks and stick with the Bologna for as long as I can.

It's going well so far. To begin with I've resisted going through the deck studying each card. Instead, I'm meeting each one personally for the first time in my daily draws.

Got the Ace of Swords today - my first pip card. I'm not sure how I'll get on with the pips, but I'll certainly give it a go.