The Zombie Tarot


I preordered from Amazon and it came today! I can't wait to check it out.
I never got the Housewives because the idea of it offends my feminist tendencies. LOL
This one looks like fun. Mmmmm... brains!


This Scorpio lass is usually cool at waiting for decks etc to arrive through the post. I try not to get all girlie and squealy in anticipation.

Sadly that facade has dropped. We had a public holiday Monday (no post) shedload of snow yesterday (no post) and frozen unmelted snow today (so guess what - no post) with similar likely tomorrow.

I really WANT this deck. I need cheering up. Partner has flown to US for two weeks with work and is sweltering in 35 degrees of heat. It was -2 when I walked into my kitchen this morning :( :(

I just know the zombie deck will get me smiling, and keep my fingers active so they don't seize up

And yes, I still have half an idea to offer some zombie readings on the exchange. Semi serious ones obviously :)


Just Got It!

Even my boys were excited when the UPS guy came. Just looking through the deck briefly it's funny and creepy and wrong and what I hoped it would be. I had seen about 20 or so cards online, the rest of the deck meets my expectations based on those. I've already had a good laugh and I haven't even checked out the booklet yet.

In some of the cards from the suite of Hazards I see some nods to "Fido", a movie I only recently learned about and watched because I was waiting for this deck! Think I'll watch it again and play with cards - if I can get them all back from my kid...


Even my boys were excited when the UPS guy came. Just looking through the deck briefly it's funny and creepy and wrong and what I hoped it would be. I had seen about 20 or so cards online, the rest of the deck meets my expectations based on those. I've already had a good laugh and I haven't even checked out the booklet yet.

In some of the cards from the suite of Hazards I see some nods to "Fido", a movie I only recently learned about and watched because I was waiting for this deck! Think I'll watch it again and play with cards - if I can get them all back from my kid...

Oh wow. I just found Fido on netflix.

I love the hazards suit. Super amusing and I love the way they end with it (Although they have the cups suit before wands in the LWB) kinda putting a slightly positive twist on this deck.


When I pre-ordered these cards, I purposely didn't do much research. I thought it would be a fun deck and I just wanted to be surprised. I am so glad I got it because it's so unusual. I loved the "ammo box" the cards are packaged in and the whole package is such high quality. No flimsy, light box, which is my pet peeve. I feel if you're going to bother to make a deck of cards, please, please, package it with pride! The Zombie Tarot did not disappoint there. I think I will enjoy this deck. :) I'm excited to hear more comments about what all of you think about this deck.


Got a chance to look thru mine. It is just great! You need a slightly morbid sense of humour though! LOL!


Mine is on its way from Amazon! I love the cool retro vibe (adore the tongue-in-cheek of The Housewives Tarot too)...but is anyone else creeped out that it's release comes at a time when the news has reported 4 "zombie" attacks in tn US? Just sayin... ;)


We should have someone organize a Zombie Reading Circle!!!


I thought that this would be another poorly done deck based on a fad theme of the week.

That was until I heard it was done by the creator of the Housewife's Tarot. A great, quirky, funny deck.

Rushed off to by it and it should be here early next week.



I just ordered this deck.