What Do You Look Like?


I would love to try this if you're still taking on more sitters. :)

I'm male.


Hi! I'll have a sit if you're still taking :)


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Aura or energies: you are full of spunk, and playfully sassy, while having a vivid and imaginative inner life that always has you trying different things, laid-back and gregarious, you stick out among the group and love being different and unique. Yellow, is a good color for you. And your sleeping schedule is often all over the place.

Hair: short, two toned possibly, straight with some curl at the bottom.
Body type: prone to stomache isdues often linked to your strong tides of quickly changing emotions. Thick and chubby and carry yourself well,
Skin: very oily, ethnic of maybe itailian or russian background?, moles in various places
Yellowish understone of skin while being dark vanilla shade.
Face: round, small, childlike with a wry smile frequenting upon it. Lots of makeup. Dramatic clothing.
Height: 5'2-5'4 ish
Your quite impulsive at times, love the avant-garde and its counter culture, people are drawn to you because your accepting, different from the flock, you always know how to enjoy yourself in any situation and easily bored, you hate book learning and learn best hands on and i see a subway a lot idk if that means amything.



Aura or energies: well-mannerd, dresses nicely, takes pride in a well-groomed put together appearance, professional, sensitive hearted,not much tolerance for things like raunchy jokes, immature or burdened by sad oppressive stories and world events.
Yes! I have a thing about dressing the part for things. Probably because I worked at a nice retail store all through college. I do take the professional approach with things and am sensitive hearted. I don't like seeing people getting taken advantage of or being oppressed. Don't get me wrong, I love a good laugh, but you're right that I don't like raunchy, trashy things or immaturity. I am burdened by world events and don't like hearing about dark stuff, but oddly enough the "burden" takes on a double meaning as researching for victims of chemical exposure on the job or by government doing is a side job for me. Very good catch! :thumbsup:
Would do well with the color green! Traditional
I like being in style, but only get things that aren't uber trendy because I want my clothes to last many seasons. Green is a power color of mine, along with blue!

Hair: medium brown, slightly above shoulders, curly
--> straight, medium brown with highlights, long (to lower back)
Eyes: green/greyish w/ glasses, peircing serious focused
--> grey eyes! I used to wear glasses until I was a teenager. The contacts fixed my vision in college so I don't wear any glasses now, but my license still says I need corrective lenses. They change between green and blue and there's a gold ring around the pupils. I have been told I am good at hiding my emotion in my face, especially if I'm nervous. I can be a goofball, but I'm also a capricorn and I've heard caps tend to look serious.

Body type: some loose skin, thin, tiny waist, feet problems, shoulder issues like upper back tightness
--> no loose skin, but I did lose 45 pounds a few years ago. That was a quarter of my body weight, so maybe the loose skin was symbolic of significant weight loss. I'm slender. No feet problems I know of. I carry my stress in my shoulders but no physical issues, so to say.

Height: 5'8
--> I'm 5'5"
Face: high cheekbones, thin lips(loves lip makeup), very saxon/mayflower looking
--> yes, high cheekbones. I have a slavic bone structure. I use chapstick daily, but don't like lipstick because i smear it and it's not practical (capricorn strikes again!); Ok, I looked up saxon on google and got men in iron masks with ginger beards. lol! I'll take your word on that saxon/mayflower looking part.

Skin: freckles or beauty marks on arms, dry, you get cold easily, ruddy
--> I do have spots on my arms, yes I have dry skin, I tend to feel overheated. Normal color skin, but my face is sensitive, so I have to be careful what products I use. If I use anything harsh, it does turn red and feel like its burning.

Emotionally sensitive to harsh things or events and certain humor,
you stick with what you like and stay within the bounds of your preferred media movies, shows, music, books.

--> Correct. I tend to avoid the indie movies and like the mainstream for the most part. I don't mind trying things, but I do know what I like.

You enjoy whimsical things
--> I do! I work with kids and keep things light and high energy. And I love me some corny jokes!

and know how to stop and smell the roses no.matter if those around you are in a hurry.
--> Part of my problem is needing to learn how to get organized, so I do tend to get lost in my own thing lol

Very smart woman but does not give herself enough credit, and loves excitement.
--> agreed

Knows her feminine flirty side well, u can put on the charm. And although your mind is bright and quick your humble enough to blend well with all sorts of personalities.
--> I would agree I know how to dress up and look good for a date. I feel that intelligence doesn't always translate to book smarts or degree and when it comes to my talents, I pray to god each night to allow me to continue to be able to use my gifts to help others in any way He calls on me to use them. I've been told I can talk to anyone and keep the energy moving.

I think you did a FANTASTIC job on this reading! Thank you so much for letting me sit! :heart:


I would love to try this if you're still taking on more sitters. :)

I'm male.

Hey Zephyros, you know I was not expecting you in a million years to be on this thread, but a few hours ago I had a flash of you being on here for this thread, isnt that weird! Especially since we don't cross paths much on here! Maybe its all this third eye excersize i been trying. LOL. But anyway, your on the list!


Wow, these are amazing! Are you still open for more sitters? I'd love one as well :D


I'm down to try this! I'm female


Hey Zephyros, you know I was not expecting you in a million years to be on this thread, but a few hours ago I had a flash of you being on here for this thread, isnt that weird! Especially since we don't cross paths much on here! Maybe its all this third eye excersize i been trying. LOL. But anyway, your on the list!

Well, I do moderate this forum, so I read everything, and pop in now and again. ;)

Thanks for putting me on the list! No hurry, I can see you have your hands full!


I'd like to sit.

I'm a male.

No rush about the reading. Take your time :)


Hi DesertDream, do you still take sitters? If so, I'm female :)


Can I be added? I'm a female.