What's the postman bringing? - Part 10


He just brought me the Silhouettes tarot :D what a gorgeous deck


Next I'm going for the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot by Martinie & Glassman. Usually I order decks myself and just wait for Mr Postman but this time I'm putting the order through a local store, it means no waiting around for couriers (which has been a bit ridiculous lately) if it goes well I'll order all my future decks the same way :)


I changed my mind again. This time Tarot of the Vampyres is actually on its way now so no backsies.

Edit: I just bought MoonGypsy's Mary-El. I'm so glad I waited!


The postman is bringing me the Waterhouse Oracle. It has 80 cards -- I wonder if it will work as a tarot deck. It doesn't matter -- I love Waterhouse's art.

Miss Divine

Nothing from the postman.. But I did purchase the Lover's Path from my local metaphysical store today. First impressions are very good!


Pearls of Wisdom 3rd edition. Jumbo size, looking forward to that increased resolution on the images.


Finally ordered the Minoan. I hope they start to ship soon! (Still pondering the Silhouettes . . .)


Hear that? That's the sound of me falling off the wagon

I actually hadn't purchased a deck in over three years. Not that I didn't want to, but nothing really spoke to me in a way that merited shelling out cash.

However, in the past 2 weeks I picked up Revelations Tarot, Klimt Tarot, and Tarot del Fuego is in route.

So, yeah, I've fallen off the wagon fairly hard. I may have to institute a "one deck a month" rule or something.

Remember when we had to haul ourselves to the marginal part of town and hang out in patchouli-funky "bookstores" (*cough*headshops*cough) to find decks? Damn that internet...


Housewives Tarot for my best friend's B-day :) The kit that comes in the "recipe" box with the book and all. Unfortunately it will be all sealed up and I wish I could open it up and look at everything!


The Zombie tarot finally arrived. and it's so gorgeous, that now I wish I had money for the Housewives tarot, that is from the same company, even if any tarot that has food as the devil makes me side eye it.