What's the Postman Bringing? Part 12


I'm waiting for the Anna K. Tarot (and the lenormand too :D), that will be delivered today, and next week The Fountain Tarot. And will also be delivered today Oracle of Vision and Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle.

It sure can be Christmas in august. :D


Finally, Snuffin's The Thoth Companion and Banzhaf's The Crowley Tarot is here!

I shall get The Book of Thoth itself tomorrow. I can't wait. :)


I just received the Oz oracle cards. Very cute and straightforward. One needs to like the colour yellow however, as the border is a huge "yellow brick road"!:)


Atlantis oracle (self published) and fairytale oracle both from Oz

Jen P

Deleted - sorry not the lenormand section!

Queen of Cards

Just got my Tarot of the Dead deck in the mail. I read about it being on sale here, but can't remember who posted. Thanks whoever you are!

My Housewives Tarot should be here later this week.

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Waiting on Circo tarot to arrive, and ordered the Thoth today *eeep*


received my Fountain deck today... soooo beautiful!


I just ordered a "Radiant" Waite tarot in a tin! :)