Legacy of the Divine Tarot


OMG I'm so excited that it's coming out soon. I've been putting away little bits of money in my PayPal account to save up for it. It's my early Yule gift to myself


How exciting, I am counting the days! I am glad I decided along time to save for this, not buying any other decks, hopefully I will have my new deck in early December..Thank you Ciro!!


18 days and counting....I can't wait for this deck :eek:) (can you tell?)


Oh... did Ciro set a release date? I preordered and I can't wait...

Queen of Pentacle

sure it is long scheherazade

This Legacy Tarot, with its Ciro's artistry, make the time very long, very bery long, does'nt it?
The most i look at the pics, the more I want-It.


scheherazade said:
Oh... did Ciro set a release date? I preordered and I can't wait...
In Post 65, he said that he was on schedule to start shipping at the end of the month. A week ago, the end of the month was 18 days away. Today it's only 11 days away. I envy those in the South Eastern US who pre-ordered the LE deck/set - they should have their items in the first few days of December....



I had send on my deposit a while ago, I keep hoping to open my email up and get something saying that there ready and I can send on the rest. . . This is my big gift to myself this year


My apologies for not responding earlier, unfortunately I had to go back to hospital again and along with a longer recovery time this time. So this week as been pretty much non productive beyond responding to the odd e-mail here or there.

Anyway for several reasons I still don't have exact shipping dates, but I thought I owed you all the courtecy of an update nevertheless. Unfortunatly the cards were delivered, but for reasons of quality control regarding the die cutting, I did'nt accept them and they had to be reprinted. Hopefully this is'nt as bad as it sounds time wise, as I was in fact ahead of schedule. So there's still a chance that I will meet my deadline of starting to ship at the end of November. However untill I actually have the little darlings in my mitts, I can't swear to that. But the delay if any should be no more than a few days, and unfairly only effect the first people on the lists. These deck are assembled by hand and customized, so there's a limit to how many can be prepared each day, but by stretching that quantity I could catch up and be back on track within a few days.


Don't overdo it, Ciro. I am sorry to hear you had to have another surgery and hope all is much better now. Allow yourself to heal. Allow us to save up our pennies! :D


Yep it sure was a fun week. Sometimes don't you find the tarot imagery is just so appropriate :) In another tarot deck I think I'd rename this the card the 10 of kidney stones.


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