Deck of the Week : Sign-Up Thread : Week 70 : December 1st - December 8th

strings of life

^ I changed my mind and switched to the Baroque Bohemian Cats. Can you edit my selection?

I'll be using the BBC Tarot this week.
Me too! I'll admit that I have only used it in Nisaba's cat deck exchanges, so I'm looking forward to it. I have the Gold and the second edition mini. I may work with the two, maybe one, not sure.

strings of life


I really like the size of the BBC 2nd edition mini. It's not all that small and is more pocket sized like US Games decks in tins. There's a lovely portability factor about it that I really like. And the Gold has such lovely shimmery accents. I'm going to look at the cards side by side to see the differences in coloring and artwork.


Funny that I haven't posted about the Book of Shadows yet. I actually bought it 2 or 3 weeks ago and have used it for a few spiritually focused questions. I thought I would like this deck, but I like it more than I expected. I've used several of the cards on my altar as well for various things.

I'm surprised by how much I like it, simply because I normally like decks that are closer to RWS. This is a whole new system, and it will take a while to really internalize it. But I'm finding that I really like how this deck is set up. I love the court cards. I love using the four elements as the suits. I like the renaming of the majors, for the most part. A few are hard for me to get used to, but I think they'll grow on me.

I don't think I could ever use this as my basic, primary deck. I just really want that RWS foundation in my main reading deck. But I could see using this one for all of my spiritual readings, for sure. Even with using this deck for the week, I feel an urge to use a "regular" deck as well. (I'm trying to resist it, though, to give this deck a nice test run!)


Vampire Tarot by RPlace again.

I want to move on from the Vampire tarot but I'm still reading the book. I've about 40 pages left and may as well continue to read with the deck. Is it possible to change my selection mid week? I hope that's not too annoying.

Ps. How'd your advanced French class go, Elendil?


All this talk of the BBC has me feeling nostalgic for mine, but I'm also enjoying my Kissa. So, I'm going to try an experiment for the rest of this week. I have three cat decks: Kissa Tarot, Baroque Bohemian Cats, and Medieval Cats. I'm going to choose three cards per day, one from each of the three decks. One day, I will probably just choose three and see what I make of it, freestyle. Another day I'll probably do spirit/mind/heart. On reflection, it seems clear that spirit will be Kissa, mind will be Medieval, and heart will be BBC. I want to see what these three cat decks might say together.

Perhaps you can just say "cat decks" next to me for the rest of the week. :)



All this talk of the BBC has me feeling nostalgic for mine...

Perhaps you can just say "cat decks" next to me for the rest of the week. :)


I just added the other decks ...


Ahhh I've just come out of my week with Thothy, and it was brilliant! I just did a 3 card reading with it to reflect on our week together and it made perfect sense, describing how this week has led to my desire to move in a new direction. I think the deck was trying to take credit for the idea lol :p

haha... I'm looking forward to it! Your posts from last week gave me the incentive to try without the "knowledge" so to speak. It is a very indepth deck from what I can see.

My deck is the Pocket Swiss Toth. I do love the feel of the smaller cards in my hands; however I would love to have the larger size deck in order to view the images. Maybe it is my old eyes, but sometimes I am squinting at the cards!!!! :)

I have the Book of Thoth that I am referring to, and a book by Ziegler. The Ziegler I have found interesting in the forward, but I have found some cards that vary in reference to the meanings in the Book of Thoth, or the LWB. Not sure how I feel about that :$ There is so much study information available about this deck, it is truly an adventure in itself :)


haha... I'm looking forward to it! Your posts from last week gave me the incentive to try without the "knowledge" so to speak. It is a very indepth deck from what I can see.

My deck is the Pocket Swiss Toth. I do love the feel of the smaller cards in my hands; however I would love to have the larger size deck in order to view the images. Maybe it is my old eyes, but sometimes I am squinting at the cards!!!! :)

I have the Book of Thoth that I am referring to, and a book by Ziegler. The Ziegler I have found interesting in the forward, but I have found some cards that vary in reference to the meanings in the Book of Thoth, or the LWB. Not sure how I feel about that :$ There is so much study information available about this deck, it is truly an adventure in itself :)

I have no Thoth literature! I had the lwb, the keyword and mostly my intuition when it came to interpreting the cards. I have the 3 versions of the magus us games version, which fits perfectly in my hands.

Hope you have a fun week with it! I hope you also try throwing away the books and just seeing what you get from the cards, I think you will surprise yourself with how readable it is! :D