Tarot Mucha


Here's the one I ordered: Mucha Tarot on Amazon. It's the deck and I believe it comes with a booklet.

Don't know if this will also help: I noticed that there are two listings on Amazon under two different ISBN numbers. They are ISBN-10: 0738745588 (which I ordered) and ISBN-10: 8865273062. The one I ordered is cheaper by a few dollars. So this confused me and I asked Lo Scarabeo. They quickly responded that they are in fact the same deck (as gregory correctly suggested). There might be different shipping dates for the two in the US.

I am (perhaps) ordering the 886 one. Lol. That's the one I was looking at. Still trying to decide on the deck.


I am (perhaps) ordering the 886 one. Lol. That's the one I was looking at. Still trying to decide on the deck.

I think you can't go wrong ordering either one. They are the same deck, but with a different ISBN for different distributors (Lo Scarabeo and their US distributor Llewellyn).

The options are:
1) Mucha Tarot ISBN-10: 0738745588 - $22.34, available January 8, 2015.
2) Tarot Mucha ISBN-10: 8865273062 - $25.88, already available.

I decided to save a few dollars and wait a little longer to receive it.


Card Dimensions

Hi All,

I ordered the deck released in January as the dimensions are larger and I assumed that the card stock would be larger. However, everyone thinks it's exactly the same deck? Otherwise, I would have ordered it to arrive sooner! So looking forward to this deck.


Hi All,

I ordered the deck released in January as the dimensions are larger and I assumed that the card stock would be larger. However, everyone thinks it's exactly the same deck? Otherwise, I would have ordered it to arrive sooner! So looking forward to this deck.

I got the confirmation straight from Lo Scarabeo (regarding the above ISBNs being the same deck).


I've had this for a little while now and I think it may be my favourite tarot of 2014. It's definitely stunning but has just the right amount of RW to make it readable straight out of the box but enough difference to make it interesting. I'm very fond of it - beautiful deck.


Hi All,

I ordered the deck released in January as the dimensions are larger and I assumed that the card stock would be larger. However, everyone thinks it's exactly the same deck? Otherwise, I would have ordered it to arrive sooner! So looking forward to this deck.
I think the dimensions are of the BOX - which is larger than their usual ones.


I finally got a ship date for my Mucha from Amazon! :) I believe they have it shipping on the 22nd of Dec, which means that I'll have a nice little gift after all the buzz of Christmas Day settles down. I'm really looking forward to this deck!

Yes, Amazon had some very confusing links early on, but in the end, the only link you can use to order directly from Amazon is the Llewellyn-distributed link, which is what I would have expected.

The link that offered October distribution (or whatever month Europe got their decks) no longer has listings, and Amazon finally corrected their link that advertised The Romantic Tarot with an image of the Mucha Tarot. Now I see that The Romantic Tarot is actually a different deck. :)

At any rate, I'm not very familiar with Mucha's work, but his style of art seems gentle and pleasing, which will be a nice addition to my eclectic collection. It rather reminds me of the Art Nouveau but looks like it stays much closer to the RWS images, which will make it more usable for me out of the box.


I got this deck recently and I like it so far.
The deck is RWS based and if you're familiar with Mucha's work then you'll be able to see where they've been molded into RWS imagery, like the 3 of S, Judgment, and The High Priestess.

The Majors don't have their titles on the cards, just the numbers. Same with the minors.

The colors are deep and alive and the art style works very well with this deck. The cards might be a bit busy at first glance, with the elaborate border and the amount of action going on in some of the cards, the 5 of W comes to mind here, but I think I'll get used to that.

Speaking of borders, I just noticed that each suit and the majors have their own borders. The Majors have gold scroll work with only four flowers, Pentacles is made up mostly of flowers, warm pinks and reds with yellow scrolls. Cups looks like water lilies and vines to me, a dark teal/blue scroll work. Swords also has flowers, not as much as Pentacles, but a lot. The scrolling is a lighter blue than Cups. Wands has a brown/orange scroll work with leaves instead of flowers.

I am disappointed that the backs aren't reversible-friendly. Which is a shame, because it would've been an easy thing to fix. Take out the central figure art and just repeat the scroll work and head.

The cardstock is thin, but not flimsy. It's very easy to riffle shuffle these, but I'm still going to be careful with them. The cards are shiny and smooth, but not slippery.


why do all their decks look the same? I mean somehow it doesnt even seem like Mucha ...

Le Fanu

I've had this for a little while now and I think it may be my favourite tarot of 2014. It's definitely stunning but has just the right amount of RW to make it readable straight out of the box but enough difference to make it interesting. I'm very fond of it - beautiful deck.
Yes, that's it. Very RWS but at the same time with a gloss, spin, whatever you want to call it, that makes it feel different. I quite like it. I don't think it looks like all their other decks. I mean, similar in a way to the Art Nouveau Tarot because it has that same floweriness and it's aping the same art style. I find it very easy to read. Sometimes I want that. Othertimes I want something Kabbalistic and pretentious and full of esoteric clap-trap :D

But this one is nice for those summery, frothy, uncomplicated moods